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They will also hand taser guns to the Foral Police

  • In making a normative change, the Foral Police expects taser guns to spread progressively: at the moment, 150 are expected. Other forces of the Foral Police, including eleven police from Navarra and the Guardia Civil, have also deployed the weapon in other localities in Navarre.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

24 September 2024 - 07:00

The Foral Police Sector Bureau is considering amending the firearms regulations to allow taser guns to be used. If the necessary normative change occurs, the dissemination of this weapon in the Foral Police will be carried out progressively. The Government of Navarre has announced that, as a first step, 150 pistols of this kind will be handed over to the units linked to "Citizen Security".

The Government has not specified the use of such weapons by the police. All he has said is that he will be "adapted to the functions and actions" of the aforementioned units. Supposedly, several teachers collaborating with the Navarra School of Security and Emergency will be in charge of giving the foreign police training in the use of taser guns. The Ministry of the Interior argues that "above all, it plays a deterrent role".

This weapon provokes, first, a visual warning shock that generates an electric shock of several seconds with a force of up to 50,000 volts, as the impulses provoked hinder nerve signals and incapacitate the person who has been attacked with a gun.

Agents of the Municipal Police and Civil Guard of Navarra have at their disposal the weapon

More and more police forces are getting taser guns. The Civil Guard has recently distributed the weapon, which has been handed over to agents from different territories, including Navarre. In addition, several local police officers from different localities in Navarra have at their disposal this resource: Azagra, Balterra, CASCANTE, Falces, Funes, San Adrián and Zentronica have recently been armed, and previously they did so in Corella (last year), Pamplona (2022) and Peralta (2016).

Officially, the taser gun carried by the 36-year-old has only been used once in Navarre. It is a weapon used by a municipal police officer against a person with mental illness when he appeared last June in Pamplona/Iruña.

It also covers Bizkaia and Álava

In Bizkaia, several municipal police officers already have taser pistols in localities such as Basauri, Santurtzi or Sestao, and everything suggests that the measure will also be applied in Barakaldo, Durango and Trapagaran. In the Alavesa capital, the process for the local police of the Alavesa capital to have this kind of pistol has also been launched.

The weapon has been available in the RAPIDAS units of the Ertzaintza since 2017. For example, one of these units used the taser gun in March of this year in Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa), against a person who suffered a psychotic outbreak in the locality guipuzcoana.Este man lost his life in a brutal intervention by Ertzaintza agents: He had blows all over the police, rib fractures, marks of scratches and taser gun.

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