Spokeswoman for the Permanent Social Forum, Expe Iriarte, explained this Wednesday at a hearing in the Parliament of Navarre that emergency prison legislation must be suspended because it does not see "any impediment" for the 34 Navarros political prisoners imprisoned outside Euskal Herria to be transferred to Pamplona prison.
The capacity of the Pamplona prison is 504 cells, with capacity for about a thousand people. According to official data, around 286 people were in the area by the end of February. "There is therefore enough space to deal with this plan and to relocate to the prison of Pamplona the 184 people who have their origin, their habitual residence or their family in Navarra," he added. In his view, the measure would help to build "a democratic coexistence" and to this end he has asked the Government of Navarra to put in place a plan for this.
With the proposal, Jabi Arakama from Geroa Bai, Bakartxo Ruiz from EH Bildu, Ainhoa Aznarez from Bay-Ahal Dugu and Marisa from Simón de I-E appeared. For his part, Iñaki Iriarte, from Navarra Suma, stressed the "need for reconciliation", but as a premise for this he has called for the total elimination of ideological opposition in the streets: "We need to condemn terrorism, the end of the murderers' glory. Impunity is asking for an amnesty for the murderers for 40 or 50 years."
PSN Member Inma Jurio welcomed the appearance of the Social Forum, although she does not believe that rights are being violated as a result of the policy of dispersion. However, he has advocated a new prison policy. "For different situations, different solutions," he added.
On 25 March, the dispersal of Basque prisoners officially ended. According to the head of the El País line, "34 years later, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior has put an end to the dispersion of ETA prisoners". The Basque media also reported the date, while political parties... [+]
Etxarri Aranazko Jon Gurutz Maiza Artola preso politikoa Frantziako Estatuko Lannemezaneko espetxetik (Euskal Herritik 330 kilometrotara) Donostiako Martuteneko kartzelara hurbildu dute, Etxeratek zabaldu duenez.
Garazi Abrisketa (Zollo, 1988) eta Aitana Izagirre (Zollo, 1993) Mirentxin Gidariak ekimenaren parte izan dira eta euren esperientzia azaldu dute, baita taldearen disoluzioak utzi dien sentsazioa ere.