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The format is modified in 55. Durango Fair and there will be no counters

  • Although the context has not been favorable, the organizers have been in favor of celebrating the 55th edition of the Durango Fair. The Gerediaga association announced the first details of the fair on Thursday: there will be no counters and you will have to register beforehand for presentations and live.

08 October 2020 - 12:16
Argazkia: Gerediaga Elkartea

At a press conference held on Thursday at the Plateruena de Durango, the Gerediaga association announced the details of the Durango Fair. Despite the exceptional context, it has been in favor of advancing with the 55 edition of the Durango Fair, for which the fair has adapted to the situation generated by the coronavirus. “Perhaps the easiest thing would have been to suspend this year’s fair, but we believe that culture needs the fair more than ever,” the association said. TaudaDA! The motto of this year’s fair will be:

As you have explained, there will be no publishing and record shop windows this year, and the physical point of sale will be replaced by the digital point of sale. The digital store will be running from 5 to 8 December.

As far as direct books and book submissions are concerned, they shall be covered. If so, the person concerned must register beforehand. The direct ones will take place in Plateruena and Landako Gunea.

They have also taken advantage of the hearing to present the poster of this year’s Durango Fair. Her creator is the illustrator and actress Ane Pikaza.


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