The collective agroecology Wood and Vela, Baserritarron Afada and Euskal Herriko Nekazarien Elkartasuna have called a protest to the BEC of Barakaldo at 11:30 in the morning.
The "Food 4 Future" fair is supported by the Basque Government and Basque institutions, and brings together international players. The organizers of the fair express that we are facing a "geostrategic challenge" in the portal of the BEC meeting, on the website entirely in English. Among the reasons why the "geostrero" challenge is due to the fact that climate change is causing a decrease in land availability, an increased water shortage and a food crisis, an increase in energy costs, the war in Ukraine, and the dumping of 1.3 billion tons of food per year.
Thus, the organizers of the fair consider the continued development of technology and machinery "very valuable", and mention innovations such as Big Data or blockchain to prevent food waste. In short, they represent, through machinery and robotics, the way to feed the society of the future.
New system for further enriching the rich
The agents who have called for protests on the networks have broadcast a video in which the food of the future must be linked to the earth and the machine.
The Basque Country Farmers' Association has denounced by a note that "Food 4 Future" aims to attract companies that develop synthetic or laboratory food production. In fact, last year's edition presented the report "Euskadi, a territory of opportunity for the food sector", which announced investments and plans to boost this type of food industry.
"Synthetic feeding and feeding by baserritars not only increases the clash between production models, but also the social model itself is at stake. Culturally, synthetic feeding represents an anthropological rupture. It's not the same to know that our food depends on nature than laboratories."
The Sanmartines are well known in our homes, as it is time to kill the pig. However, many people will not know that before St. Martin's day marked the end of the agricultural year. And that was no nonsense. In fact, at the end of the year, I had to pay an annual rent to my... [+]
Are baserritars on vacation? They ask in school. The students have answered no. So, working every day, would you like to be baserritarra in the future? And if nobody wants to be a baserritarra, who is going to make food for us? The question stayed in the air.
For the health and... [+]
Much of the current left-wing movement, albeit intuitively, claims small-scale agriculture, without any doubt. However, this claim for smallness has its contradictions: a small farm, by definition, will not be able to produce a lot of food. And is that important? Well, in a... [+]
We have seen the peasants with power tractors, roads, bridges, blocking borders, and the heart made us “krak!” in solidarity, because we are also peasants children and brothers, because they are still striving to bring the farms ahead. We've heard protesters criticizing the... [+]
On 9 February, EHNE-Bizkaia and ENBA-Bizkaia, convened in Bilbao, held a concentration of demonstrations between the baserritars of Bizkaia and neighbours and neighbours who approached to show their solidarity. About a hundred tractors from different districts joined the area of... [+]
The presence in the city walks of a tractor that moves with ease and dexterity in the cornfields, causes a shock of images, an out-of-place device loses its elegance and strength in the city, just as the high-heel shoes lose when you see walking through the mountain. The change... [+]