The protagonist of the documentary Florecica is Josefina Lamberto, sister of Marvels and daughter of Vicente Lamberto. The story of both is terrible. Maravilllas was raped and killed in 1936 by the Francoists at the age of 14, and her remains were thrown at the dogs. His father was shot the same day. Josephine was then 7 years old and his terrible events were recorded. But his life hasn't been easy either.
At 21 years old, he became a nun and was sent to a Pakistani orphanage. Then he went elsewhere and finally in 1996, after losing his faith, he returned to Navarre. He has denounced that the nuns treated him very hard, among other things because he had been a victim of Franco, he added.
When he arrived in Pamplona, he was one of the founders of the Association of Relatives of Shot Men of Navarra. In recent years he has worked as a volunteer at the social dining room Paris 365.
The documentary by Virginia Senosiain and Juan Luis Napal of the producer Sergunsurja Films tells the life and suffering of Josefina Lamberto. It will be released on September 17, and then screenings will be made at different points in the Basque Country.
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