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The Prosecutor's Office says it is not a crime for the infiltrated police to have sex with women

  • Five women filed a lawsuit against the police infiltrated for three years in the Catalan movements, accusing them of sexual abuse against them. The Prosecutor's Office asks the judge to reject the complaint and points out that in the relations there was "recognition" of women.
Daniel Hernández Pons, Kataluniako mugimenduetan infiltratutako polizia-satorra. (Argazkia: La Directa)

15 September 2023 - 08:17
Last updated: 11:49
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Prosecutor ' s Office says that the infiltrated police who had sex with several women have not committed any crime. Daniel Hernández Pons, Spanish police, held three years of sworn in the Catalan social movements. She also had affective sex with some women of the movements. Five women filed a complaint in January against her, accused of sexual abuse of her during her work as a police officer.

In addition to sexual abuse, he was accused of civil rights violations, crimes against moral integrity, and of revealing his secrets and identities, among others. The complaint said: “It goes beyond ethical limits and attacks its core and sexual autonomy.”

However, the Prosecutor's Office asks the judge not to accept the complaint on the grounds that the women "accepted" these relationships. He adds that Hernandez’s investigation may jeopardise police investigation and the safety of agents. According to the report, as the infiltrate did not tell him that he was a police officer, he did not exercise the power he was given to take over women.

The women, however, stated that they would have no relationship with her if they had known she was a police officer. However, the Prosecutor's Office states that further knowledge of the infiltrate's identity does not make the previous relationship "offensive". He says in the report that he does not know if the women told the man that they would not have a relationship with a police a.Por this, says that the relationships can be "real" and not those that aimed at the access of the agent to information.

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