A few years ago, I was in Chile for work. I remember supermarket workers working in small jobs. To weigh the vegetables and fruits there was always someone; then, upon arriving at the payment box, in addition to the cashier, another man or a woman helped him put his shopping in bags. On buses there are also two people: one driver and the other a charge. Before leaving the house, it was very important to have some coins at hand to give something to all people. In Chile there were a lot of people trying, among other things because there was very little money.
My friend Nigerriara told me that my brother was in Vitoria. He apparently lived in Barcelona, but he proposes to come to Vitoria. Some migrants live like nomads. My friend told me that his brother still cannot have a contract because he lacks papers. They say we have to spend two years. Meanwhile, spend the day at a supermarket door asking for money. Not only does that work, her sister says that she helps customers take the shopping, or that she cares for other dogs during shopping.
Today, in Vitoria, on many of the supermarket doors there are many kids from Africa. I think this is a relatively new phenomenon. Also in the supermarket of our neighborhood. It's a store in a supermarket chain, but because the workers there are fixed, they know the neighbors and I think there's a nice atmosphere. If you've forgotten to receive money, you can come back at another time, ask about your daughters, make confident gestures.
Suddenly, the guy who was there had a name and the basis for a future.
Until recently, a young man from Africa has been present. As we walked past our portal, as we made our way to school with our daughters we crossed every day. A stylish boy, always well dressed, with his backpack printed on the shoulder. It was placed next to the supermarket door, a small sump on the ground to be able to put money. I greeted everyone. I sometimes looked after one or another dog. After talking to my friend, I think I would do other jobs, maybe help older people bring shopping bags home, etc.
A few days ago I didn't see the boy anymore. The supermarket door spends a while without anyone. Dogs are left unattended until another boy sets up the other day. There I found it strange to see another face. Maybe I'm missing the other guy? Apparently I was not alone.
Being in the queue of the box, an old man in a wheelchair told the cashier: "Have we changed the belch? ". At first he altered the phrase by “beltxa”, but the truth is that in words I found it a point of interest in the boy at the door. Although I didn't know how to indicate it, I thought the man missed the boy. The girl in the box didn't answer, but the other worker did. This beautiful and majestic young woman said: "Festus starts working in a hotel."
Eight words were enough to restore dignity to the boy. Suddenly, the boy who was there had a name and a small base for a future. So I imagined Festus talking for the first time to this girl in the supermarket, someday normal supermarket work. That day would become more than a day. Did they create intimacy? Maybe they shared some cigarette at the supermarket door. And then you might think that Festus would tell the girl how long she had been in Vitoria, where she came from, what her life project was... And then one day, the last day, I went to the supermarket, but not to stay at the door there, no. Just tell the girl that she finally got it.
- I have a contract at a hotel.
- I'm so glad, Festus.
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