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A Valencian institute is accused of “exposing terrorism” for a visit by Fermín Muguruza.

  • A conservative group denounces the institute for inviting Muguruza to give a conference. A former councillor of the City of Bellreguard says there was no conference. The Institute ' s management team will be required to report on Day 26 at the Guard Court.      
Muguruzaren aldeko murala, Bellreguardeko institutuko horma batean. Argazkia: VILAWEB

14 March 2024 - 11:50
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The management team of an institute of the Valencian people of Bellreguard (Catalan Countries) is accused of "extorting terrorism". A conservative band denounces a visit by musician and filmmaker Fermin Muguruza. The news has been reported in Vilaweb, and Juanjo Giner, former councilor of the City of Bellreguard, explained that in March of last year Muguruza designed the film Black is Beltza in the town, but that he did not hold any event at the school.

The complaint has been lodged by the Association of Educators against Indoctrination. It is a conservative and ultracatopic group that has a direct relationship with Vox. It is committed to private schools that differentiate them by reason of gender or by incorporating the gender perspective in schools. They report that Muguruza gave a lecture to her students. Consequently, the members of the management team of the Joan Fuster institute will be required to testify at the on-call court on 26 March.

Giner says this didn't happen. In the last legislature the City Hall offered a room to project the Black is Beltza and an artist proposed to make a mural in the public space with the image of Muguruza. The mural was made at the Joan Fuster Institute and took Muguruza by surprise: "He didn't give any lectures, he just got excited and thanked."

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