The XIX edition of Feministaldia and the XVII Festival Dives will be held on 20, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 14 December in Donostia-San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz. The two festivals have been twinned this year and will celebrate the day under the motto “Agur eta ciao”. “I greet and ciao is the hug you give to the other when you meet, and when you leave it is also what you give him,” the organization explains.
About 40 artists, activists, thinkers and collectives will take part in a conference that will feature lectures, talks, recitals, conferences, appearances, performances, DJ series and a party. Cooperation with Azala, Tabakalera and the Kontadores centres has been maintained this year, and a new one has been launched: With the ZAS space of Vitoria-Gasteiz, as a result of the brotherhood that has been realized with the festival Dives.
On 20 November will begin with the reading, colloquium and recital that will take place in the bar Le Bukowski in Egia, and will continue on the 27th day with the Bollotopaketak of Euskal Herria and Mefsst collectives in the youth center Kontadores. In the same place, on the 28th, the organizers emphasized that they will offer a talk about queer and decolonial resurrection in the genocide in Palestine, conducted by two activists from Palestine Diversity in Palestinian Society. In addition, the two activists from Morocco Erreddad and Usmen Morocco will offer a talk about the queer movement taking place in Morocco.
On Friday, 29 November, the day will be transferred to Tabakalera, with the participation of four thinkers and writers. The Saturday will be a formal gala, like the previous edition, directed by the collective Las Nenas. The programme will run from 16.00 to 22.00 and the Donostia section will be closed with the performances of LaMia Mari, Lina Pary and Elena Barker DJ. Feministaldia has called to be attentive to the networks of access to the festival, and will also be announced at the festival itself. On December 14 the day will end in the ZAS space of Vitoria-Gasteiz, with an all-day program organized in collaboration with the XVII edition of the festival Dives.
On the last day of the festival, on November 30, the call for the Feminist Strike of Euskal Herria, convened by the Feminist Assembly of Donostia, will take place. The organization has appealed to join the call and announced that it will soon make public the place and time.
In all activities of the day the entrance will be free until complete capacity. Some of the talks will be recorded in video and will be available on the Feministaldia youtube channel. In addition, it will be possible to follow the actions through social networks and on the website of Feministaldia.
Astelehenean inauguratu zuten Kultura Feminista jaialdiaren XIII. edizioa Donostiako Tabakaleran, abenduaren 15a arte iraungo duena.