Emakunde and the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government have presented this Monday the Dictionary Feminism and Equality, which has been elaborated by the Elhuyar foundation at its own request. The dictionary gathers the Basque terms of feminism and equality, from those established by the current legislation to those generated by social movements. It also includes terms of international use.
As can be read in the preamble to the dictionary, the dictionary makes available to users “such a necessary terminology for the development of society and to promote a culture of equality between the sexes”. The terms appear with the corresponding concepts and definitions, and all this vocabulary is included in the dictionary organized in the following sections: Policies of equality, Feminism, Inequality, Violence, Gender and sex, Sexuality and reproduction, and Organization and social relations.
They have emphasized that the dictionary is the result of collaboration, as it has been developed with the help of a group of women experts and/or experts from all over the Basque Country in the field of equality and feminism. Emakunde’s director, Izaskun Landaida, also recalled in the presentation the mutual support between institutions and social actors and pointed to the need for alliances: “The Basque needs, too, equality.”
Euskalterm The dictionary has been integrated into the Public Bank of Terminology, where you can consult.
We are seeing more and more spelling errors in the writings of social networks, not only of young people, but also of the media. Some have become so common that they hardly hurt their eyes.
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In a one-hour commute to the workplace, I am accompanied by the car radio. On yesterday's journey, I had the opportunity to enjoy a short story program, as the last port of the road, full of curves, began in Karrantza. Short legends, yes, of few words, but stories of great... [+]