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"Felix Sarasola, Best Basque Ambassador to Usurbil and Euskal Herria"

  • The word, singing and music have come together in the emotional tribute that took place this Sunday on the fronton of Usurbil in favour of Felix Sarasola. Drawing the life of Felix, the tribute has gone back and forth to Cuba and Euskal Herria, has brought together the two parts of the sound and culminated with a mouthful of friend who liked the honoree so much.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

01 April 2019 - 10:10
Duo Jade bikote kubatarrak 'Al vaiven de mi carreta' kantatu zion Sarasolari. (Argazkia: Noaua)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The tribute has united and united Cuba and Euskal Herria. The performance on the fronton has been a reflection of the trail left by Felix both on one and the other. -Today he has brought us here a clue to everyone. Here, the remains that have come from Usurbil to Havana, crossing the ocean, and back to the source, loaded with flashes. On that round trip, Pelix here, Felito in Cuba, has left a special mark for all of us." In the words of Aizpurua, it can be summarized with four words: Friendship, generosity, solidarity and love.

Aizpurua added that "Felix was one of those people who not only defended the values of solidarity between people and peoples, but put them into practice", a Basque "Abertzale of all life, the best Basque ambassador that Usurbil and Euskal Herria have had".

Trikitilaris presentation

The trail that Felix left in his friends has been returned to him with thanks, singing, singing, musicando.Amigos and creators from both sides of the Ocean, Cuba and Euskal Herria have permeated the event of music and singing, among others. Bertsolari Ander Lizarralde has begun the act "for being the godfather of all the young Basques who came to his home in Havana". Ruper Ordorika has sung Felix through several coplas and Joseba Tapia has also performed it. He's dedicated the song "because I love you."

Through it, we have known Sarasola’s efforts in favor of the new generation of trikitilaris. Apparently, Felix organized the album in Andatzpe, the new generation of tritikilaris, including Tapia himself, who recorded it. "Many trikitilaris have told us Tapia, he is the one who owes that initial step of the discotheque," said Mertxe Aizpurua. Tapia recalled that "we agreed with Pelix a different presentation and organized a small pilgrimage in Andatzpe". This presentation created a custom. "All the Trikitilaris who went through each other continued to do the same," Tapia explained.

Friends of Txitxardin

It did so in the same way that it combined gastronomy and creation in the Andatzpe society and in the restaurant Txesperadin Beltza de Lasarte-Oria, one of the founders of the Cofradía de la Haba Txiki de Usurbil. He also invited Olatz Korta and Xabier Zubeldia to participate in weddings and these kinds of celebrations. He has been sung "Habanera," by Xabier Lete, who has taken us back to Cuba.

Written by Joxemari Ostolaza on the old relations between Argia and Sarasola, Joxemari Irazusta read the tributes of Usurbil. (Photo: Noaua)

The Txixardin Beltza and the Argia Group also had a close relationship, the link was Félix itself. For many years the Argia Awards have been held in the restaurant itself. On behalf of the Argia Group, Joxe Mari Irazusta has read a few words written to Sarasola by his colleague Joxe Mari Ostolaza. In 1968, they met at the Bordatxo bar. During his absence, Felix recalled that he asked for the magazines Argia to be sent to him by letter. At the card hotel "the dining room served us as an asylum in our conspiracies, because Pepelix fed us so well and so well."

According to Ostolaza, "Pepelix, besides being special, has been unique. Essential. He, knowing that he did not agree with this confession I made to him, will tell him to look at the evolution of what he has left, which shows that it has been more necessary than necessary. And I'm sure I knew what we appreciated. Thank you Felix!”

"Infinite Emotion Capability"

Felix Sarasola and Porrotx met during their stay at Lasarte. "They said we were photocopies," he said today on the fronton of Biscay, referring to Athletic. "Felito was a big kid, because he always had an inexhaustible ability to sing, to play, to surprise, to get excited." Porrotx has encouraged the attendees to pay tribute to the colorful balloons they have shared among the crowd, just as Porrotx did at the last Aberri Eguna in Havana. So, "I saw Felito in front of me, excited, and he'll never forget me." With the release of colorful balloons, we wanted to give color to the ugly world that we want to paint in black and white. Porrotx is clear that if this world is going to be colored, it will be "with the colors of people and small towns like us," as Porrotx said today in Usurbil and Havana.

The tribute has brought together more than one voice and friends from overseas. Aurora Parra, a lyric singing professional. Felix helped come to Euskal Herria and start giving concerts, as the Jade Duo is a biota. Duo June participated in the tribute they paid to him in Cuba in the recent death of Sarasola. "We're going to sing the song that we sang there, one of Felix's favorite songs," they said, "to the swing of my cart."

Joxe Ramón, brother of Sarasola, was in charge of collecting the reminder with the words of Joseba Sarrionandia. (Photo: noaua)

Picoteo between friends

The Euskal Kantu Taldea group in Usurbil, which was 10 years old and celebrated its anniversary the day after the festival, closed the event with the song "Txoriak TXORI". All those who have participated in the performance have joined the song.

Coinciding with Felix's act of delivery, the quote was with Sidra Saizarko, the Arruti butcher and the hamaiketako of the Andatzpe association.

On the part of the organization, Felix's relatives have prepared a tribute in which they wished to thank all the attendees and participants in the appointment. The poster announcing today’s event contained the figure of Felix, the work of the Navarro painter Joxe Ramón Urtasun, who has been awarded. The artist has given this image to his family. Felix's brother, Joxe Ramon Sarasola, has been in charge of receiving him. The words of Joseba Sarrionandia are: -There were a lot of Felix's roads going by, now we need new crossroads.

This article has been posted by Noaua and we have brought it thanks to the CC-by-sa license.

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