Zabala has asked the Prosecutor’s Office in Gipuzkoa to open an investigation to clarify whether there is a possibility of a complaint against Felipe González. On the one hand, “for the alleged execution of attacks and enforced disappearances through the GAL. On the other hand, to clarify whether González took advantage of the post of president “to accept, finance or conceal serious human rights violations through reserved funds”.
Zabala believes that González's last indication of guilt would be the papers of the cia that were known in June. In those internal reports of 1984, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. “Gonzalez agrees to form groups of mercenaries controlled by the Army to fight terrorists illegally,” said one of the two reports, among others.
Zabala has asked the Prosecutor's Office to expand the information if it considers the alleged crimes of González to be prescribed and to increase the case of the murder of Juan Carlos García Goena. Garcia Goena was killed by the GAL in Hendaia in 1987, and the case is open.
The truth, sooner or later
“Felipe González knows that sooner or later we will arrive at that truth,” Zabala wrote on Twitter. In a statement, Zabala announced in June its intention to create a research platform on state terrorism, something that will be announced "shortly."
Maybe kings have brought me a utopian gift, but I want to share it with you. Utopia serves to walk and Felipe González knows that sooner or later we will arrive to that truth: You will soon have news of the platform:
— Pili Zabala (@pili_zabala) January 10, 2021
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