In the last few days, "Be fascist!" Under the motto We have talked about the anti-fascist struggle carried out in the law school of the UPV/EHU with a student who has wanted to retain anonymity. On social networks, they have mobilized against the teacher who exalts Franco and disseminates xenophobic, machista and homophobic messages, and have managed to temporarily remove him from his teaching position. It welcomes the mobilization of the last few days: "If it wasn't for this answer, this teacher would continue to teach."
Thanks to the pressure of the student movement you have managed to have the UPV/EHU provisionally leave the professor. Can you remember the events of the last few days?
Last week, a number of chauvinist, racist and clergyman statements that the teacher made via social media on the Internet came to light. In view of this, their students were concerned and presented a formal complaint to the deanship. Decanato did not take drastic measures, so the students stated the need to stop the class time scheduled for Friday, September 27. In this sense, several faculty and campus students joined us to give a joint answer. As a result, it was possible to suspend this class time and suspend the school hours scheduled this week. This Monday, seeing that the measures taken were not enough, we concentrated on the faculty to demand the immediate release of this professor. We understand by pressure the measures that the UPV/EHU has made public this Wednesday.
In their reading, they denounce the "hypocrisy" of the UPV/EHU. Why?
From the very beginning, instead of taking drastic measures, they have waited for a strong response from the students, which has begun to act in a compulsory manner. The students' response has been condemned twice, both in the communiqué issued at the school and in the statements issued on Wednesday. They've put the teacher's ideas and the student's response on the same level, and they've categorized us as pursuers, but they're the ones who have condemned the students to be with a fascist teacher. In the face of the story they wanted to spread, we have been many students who have rejected their answer.
A procedure has been opened by applying the protocol against gender-based violence. What are the next steps in this direction?
What we know is that as long as the procedure is open, the teacher will not teach. What is still in the air is the solution they will give students if they do not find a substitute teacher in the short term.
Many students have concentrated on the protests that have taken place in Bilbao. What valuation are you doing?
The influx of so many people has been a joy and it is clear to us that it has served a great deal.
Is there an anti-fascism among the priority struggles of the student movement because of the fascist boom we are seeing in society?
The response has been spontaneous and multitudinous, so it can be said that there is widespread concern. It is evident that these ideas are increasing in society and we consider it important that we respond as an organized class, both students, professors, and university workers.
Martxoaren lehenengo lanegunarekin batera, komunikabideetan azalduko ez diren aldaketak etorri dira EHUn. Azken Lan Publikoko Eskaintzaren ondorioz, ehunka langile –arlo tekniko eta administrazio zerbitzutakoak– orain arte okupatzen zuten lanpostutik atera eta beste... [+]
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Lau mila karaktere ditut kontatu behar dudana kontatzeko. Esan behar ditut gauzak argi, zehatz, soil, eta ahalko banu polit, elegante, egoki. Baga, biga, higa. Milimetrikoki neurtu beharra dut, erregelaz markatu agitazioa non amaitzen den eta propaganda non hasi. Literarioki,... [+]
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