Between February and April, the former Bergara Prison and the Angiolillo Library have organised a day to discuss fascism. Historically, they want to address fascism as a social, ideological and political phenomenon.
Its aim is to make a shared reading and to encourage debate. They want to look at the new political forms and the ideological messages related to fascism. To this end, the Gaztetxe has called for a common reading of organized citizenship in different sectors (youth, feminists, workers, ecologists, older adults): "In the face of fascism we are at the moment of forming a common wall, we need spaces to face together a phenomenon that can condition the immediate future".
Themes and rapporteurs
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.