The latest technologies have enabled the pharmaceutical sector to accelerate the development of medicines, personalize treatments and optimize internal processes. 33% of companies use artificial intelligence in disease analysis and 29% in drug development and manufacturing.
In order to improve the design of products and services, the "Ascendant" report, in which a sectoral analysis has been carried out, indicates that 55% of pharmaceutical companies use the petty intelligence.
Three out of four pharmaceutical companies use artificial intelligence in drug design, sector operations, cybersecurity, marketing and others sistemas.El study A revolution underway shows how this technology is applied both in the private sector and in public institutions.
According to the report, the areas that apply artificial intelligence are improving the speed and accuracy of finding new compounds, forecasting clinical trial results, improving manufacturing processes and smart supply chain management.
In addition, according to the study, 33% use AI for disease analysis and 29% for drug development and manufacturing. For example, artificial intelligence is used to predict whether a patient with diabetes develops another disease or if a person with heart disease gets worse.
The study also highlights the barriers of artificial intelligence, such as the lack of experts in artificial intelligence or the lack of strategic vision of the management. However, the main objective of pharmacists is to increase their efficiency, so 70% of pharmaceutical companies believe that this technology can improve their competitiveness.
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