The dissent called EMC (Central General Staff, or Central General Staff in Euskera), within the FARC-EP, the main group that did not approve the 2016 internal agreements and that brings together nearly 3,000 guerrillas, announced on Sunday a peace interview with the Colombian Government on 16 May, according to Telesur.
This has been announced in the meetings of social agents of farmers, indigenous people and afros in the Red House, in the region of Caqueta. 7,000 people met this weekend and this announcement was one of the important points of the meetings.
The leaders of this dissent group of the FARC have expressed their desire for peace, and after a week of meetings, they have brought their positions closer and have defined a line of joint action for the process they must set in motion with the Colombian State.
EMC has added that they will give more meaning to the struggle while fighting, moving from mobilization to the popular movement, to build peace “with bases and without imposing”. The group has also confirmed that the cutting mechanism will be implemented on 26 April.
Several photos followed from this group's Twitter account.
Uwa, kamsá, tukuná, uitoto, tikun, embera, nasa/yuwe, nuka, sikuani, siano, macuna, yuruti, kichwa, achagua, bora, truncar. These are some of the languages spoken in Colombia. Unfortunately, when I lived in Colombia, in Cundinamarca, I did not have the opportunity to learn our... [+]
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