Iván Márquez gives the news with a video: "We announce to the world that the second Marquetalia has begun on the basis of the right of the peoples of the world to rise up against oppression." The word refers to the place where the FARC was founded half a century ago.
In December, three years will have passed since the signing of the peace agreements in Havana. Since then, hundreds of guerrillas and social leaders have died in the last few hours. In this situation, historical leaders such as Ivan Márquez or Jesús Santrich were re-represented just over a year ago.
In the video released you can see Márquez with the weapons along with Santrich and about twenty other people:
"We were never ideologically defeated," says Marquez on the video, which is why the struggle continues. History will tell on its pages that we were forced to take the weapons again."
The full text of the manifesto, which can be read here, has been hung on the FARC website (pdf).
After announcing that the former guerrillas are going to take up arms, leading FARC leaders have ratified their commitment to peace, including Rodrigo Loroño, alias "Timochenko". In a Twitter message, Otegi said that "war does not deserve to be echoed, there are many more of us who will continue to work for peace."
ARGIA interviewed FARC spokeswoman in Colombia in July, Lina Arregoces, and gave some keys to understanding the situation: "I think the fighting people don't retire. In cases such as that of Santrich it has been seen that there are people who continue to uphold the principles. To those who do not let themselves be fooled by those who defend the agreement in all terms," said Arrangi Z. Answering Oleaga's questions. In his opinion, we must talk about "a peace linked to social justice": "The people won't let her be scammed."
I have recently had the opportunity to see the latest work by Pierre Carles, a committed documentary author. Under the name of Guérilla des FARC, l'avenir a une histoire (FARC guerrilla, the future has history), proposes a renewed account of the armed conflict that has lasted... [+]
Kolonbia eta Venezuela banatzen dituen mugan, Kolonbiako Arauca estatuan, gerra bortitza piztu da azken hilabeteetan ELNren eta FARCeko disidenteen artean. Baina zer ari da gertatzen? Ideologiaz harago, muga-eremu baten logikatik ulertu behar da gatazka, mugalde estrategikoa... [+]
Bost urtez Habanako bake negoziazioetan Kolonbiako gerrillaren ordezkari izan ondoren, Jesus Santrich (Toluviejo, 1966) FARC-EP-Bigarren Marquetalia gerrilla berrien komandantea da, baita bake prozesuaren porrotaren isla ere.
Akordioa sinatu ondoren, Santrich urtebete baino... [+]