A plenary session on demography and families was held in the Vitoria-Gasteiz Parliament on Wednesday at the request of EH Bila. VI Support for Families, which Parliament is due to approve this quarter. The plan was discussed and more than 80 proposals were approved.
Beatriz Artolazabal, Minister of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government, proposes to grant three months of leave to those who are parents or second parents. The child may be taken in the first month after birth, provided that it does not coincide with the mother ' s maternity leave. These three months will be added to the current four-week paternity leave. During the period of the permit, the abductees would be charged 100% of the base for the quote.
Artolazabal proposes measures for the equality of men and women in response to the feminist mobilizations of March 8. It also calls for a reform of the Income Guarantee and Inclusion Act of 2008 to improve family access to social emergency assistance and Income Guarantee Income (DSBE). To this end, it will reduce to two years the minimum census time for families receiving rent and with children, and increase the additional support that single-parent families receive. On the other hand, she wants to extend the support she receives for having a second child to three years.
In addition, the PNV and the PSE-EE have requested the Government to set up an Inter-Agency Reflection Working Group within the Basque Finance Council, as they believe that the current system of aid and taxation rewards the wealthiest families.
On the other hand, EH Bila and Juntos Podemos have requested that Haurreskola be free for families with an income of less than 18,000 euros, and the rest of the parties agree.
The problem of demography
Compared to the rest of the countries, Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa have low birth rates and the population has aged over the last 40 years. Alta, EH Bila accuses the Basque organizations of having linked reproduction to “the needs of the market and the survival of the welfare state”, and the coalition’s MP Nerea Kortajarena says that the problem is not the low birth rate, but the “denial of reproductive rights”.
All parties agreed with what Kortajarena said, which responded with satisfaction: “You have all recognized that the goal is not to increase the birth rate, and that is a paradigm shift.”
Gloria Sánchez of the PSE criticizes that the current policies are “paternalistic”; that in her opinion they have shown that “they are not to receive money in return for having children.” Laura Garrido of the PP, for her part, criticizes the restrictions of the Basque Government.
There was room for discussion and action on Wednesday, with consensus in mind: Half of the measures proposed by the EP have been approved by Parliament. Kortajarena says that with social policies like this, the birth rate will increase “naturally.”
PPrekin eta EH Bildurekin negoziazioetan porrot egin ondoren etorri da Ahal Dugurekin adostutako akordioa. Indar politiko honek aitortu duenez, maximalismoak atzean utzi eta errealitateari heldu diote, errenta baxueneko herritarren aldeko akordioa lortuta.
In the last decade, the PNV has entrusted the management of the departments of the Basque Government to public positions from three quarries. It highlights a team that worked in consulting companies such as PwC and Andersen. Another important group is career officials. Leaders,... [+]