“It cannot be accepted. We are talking about the people who are leaving on the street, and especially the minors,” explained the organizers of the rally in Vitoria-Gasteiz in a statement read at noon this Thursday. As they explained, in May they sent a letter to the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Uraran, in the post-confinement phase, to ask for a solution to vulnerable people and families who had neither roof nor protection, but who have not received an answer: “Apparently, it’s not something that takes your sleep away,” they added.
In general, these people are also affected by the “hidden racism” that prevents them from finding a home. Both associations have proposed to the City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz a series of measures to guide the situation, such as the regulation of the rental market and the increase of residential resources in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the protection of people who are in the temporary host zones, guarantee social registration…
In the concentration they have denounced that, in the absence of public protection, the people of these groups have had to welcome the initiative and bring home the migrants, “as well as the families with children, who from the scope of the social services of Vitoria-Gasteiz do not offer accommodation, claiming lack of resources”. As you have explained, in the industrial pavilions there are people who have had to survive or, in the worst case, have left the city.
They have stressed that this lack of resources is noted throughout Álava and have censored the words of Iñigo Urkullu, “while sending hypocritical messages to welcome the people who are in Greece, who leave completely abandoned those who are here, he and his mayors.”
The policy of the Basque Government to criminalise the poor has become news again in November. Lanbide has created an anonymous whistleblower for honest citizens to denounce “any suspicion of irregular actions” from potentially fraudulent citizens receiving Income Guarantee... [+]
Pools can be a classroom to understand class conflict, analyzing differences between bodies. I've been swimming in municipal pools for many years. Almost always in the Aldabe Civic Center, located between the neighborhoods of Alde Zaharra and Errota. But there was a time when I... [+]
Iruñerriko Etxebizitza Sindikatu Sozialistak eta Harituk Iruñeko Udalak etxegabeentzat eskaintzen dituen baliabideak kritikatu dituzte: "Ogi apurrak dira", adierazi du Martin Zamarbide Harituko kideak. Behin behineko zenbait "aukera" ematen... [+]
There were Shaky, Violet, Arsalan and Zhara. Couple and family composed of their children aged 3 and 4 months. They lived with four other people on a seafront in Tetuan Plaza in Barcelona. The space was the seat of a bank, until it closed and abandoned it. Another 13,000... [+]
Ikasleen erdiak arrunki jasotzen ditu eskolaz kanpoko klase partikularrak, eta hirutik bi noizbait joan da partikularretara. Ikasle Abertzaleek egindako galdetegien emaitza da, baina klase hauek “ez dira ikasteko borondaterik ez duten ikasle alferren errefortzurako... [+]