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The judge records the indictment against the Boixos Nois group's ultra for assaulting the bar Ezpala of Pamplona

  • The bar of Iturrama, which was in Pamplona on the day of the aggression against the citizen, was not tested by the judge who participated in the complaint. In November 2022, the ultras of Barcelona shattered the Ezpala bar and assaulted the customers who were in it.

26 September 2024 - 11:33
Last updated: 14:21

At noon, according to the newspaper El País, the Court of Navarra estimated the appeal made by the defense of the detainees accused of committing the aggression. According to the judgment, it is not possible to prove their presence at the place of crime. Only your DNA fingerprint will keep the process open against the partner who appeared in the shattering of the tavern. Everyone else will be released because, despite being in Pamplona that day, the instruction has not proved its presence in Ezpala.

On 8 November 2022, before the football match between Osasuna and FC Barcelona, members of the Boixos Nois attacked the bar where Osasuna fans gather. The aggression was violent and rapid, they entered the house, destroyed what they found and assaulted the clients they were on the spot. Two of them had to be transferred to a hospital with a reserved prognosis, according to the same sources. Iturrama ' s neighbours denounced the aggression in a mass demonstration and opted for the popular bar Ezpala, which has been targeted on numerous occasions by the police forces and the extreme right.

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