On the occasion of the International Women’s Health Day, May 28, several groups of women from the Left and the Mining Zone convened the MEETING IN FRONT OF THE CENTRAL AMBULATORY OF BARAKALDO...THURSDAY 31 at 11 am.
There is no periodic gynecological review in Osakidetza for patients without symptoms. . However, we believe that the Periodic Preventive Gynecological Review, which we have kept demanding in Osakidetza, deserves to be put before us because it has achieved an achievement: Osakidetza will launch a UTERO CANCER DETECTION PROGRAM (similar to the one used for breast cancer).
Those responsible for Osakidetza argue that the RESOURCES are very limited. However, we know that BORONTATE is POLITICAL and that it is possible when they want it. That the struggle achieves change We have presented it, so we will not stop: we will continue denouncing health restrictions and advocating a Complete Public Health
Women demand quality health care that is available to women. Healthcare adapted to all needs and accessible to ALL women.
This news has been published by Herricolor and we have brought it to LUZ thanks to the license CC-by-sa.
Barakaldoko ospitaleko larrialdi zerbitzuan sufritzen ari diren "saturazioa larria" dela ohartarazi du sindikatuak. Pazienteak korridoreetan artatu dituztela eta krisia kudeatzeko "behar adina langile" ez dagoela salatu du. Errealitate horren aurrean... [+]
Alberto Martinez Eusko Jaurlaritzako Osasun sailburuak argi dio: ez ditu mediku euskaldunak aurkitzen, eta euskarazko osasun arreta ezin da bermatu mediku egoiliar (formazioan dauden espezialista) gehienak kanpotarrak direlako. Mediku euskaldunak bilatzea perretxikotan joatea... [+]
Bizilagunek "egia eta politika" merezi dutela adierazi dute, oraindik konponbiderik bilatu ez zaizkien arazo ugari edukitzen jarraitzen baitute. Ikasketei eta osasun arretari loturiko arazoak nabarmendu dituzte.
These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]