The Zabala Front has been imposed by 95,000 votes in the presidential elections on 24 November. Yamandu Orsi will be the next president of Uruguay, ahead of Álvaro Delgado, candidate for the presidency of the National Right-wing Party (GIC).
The left-wing force, which ruled between 2005 and 2020, will return to the government after a tight triumph in the European Parliament. Orsi has announced that he will preside over "national growth" and that he will build a programme based on sustainable development.
The Left has won 95,000 votes in a country with over 3.5 million inhabitants. As planned, Orsi will be invested on 1 March and will govern Uruguay until 1 March 2030.
As reported by the Electoral Commission, the Broad Front has received 1,196,798 votes, against 1,101,296 on the right, which has supported the victory. The Left has achieved 107,628 votes more than in the first round of the presidential elections held on 27 October last. In the first round, none of the candidates achieved an absolute majority. That is why, after a month, a second round has been held to elect the two most voted candidates of the hour.
Orsi has insisted that the Left has returned "with the commitment to maintain macroeconomic stability and to improve the distribution of income". For her part, the elected vice-president of the leftist party, Carolina Cosse, has stated that they "will respect all opinions" and "will respect those of all".
Mikel Zabalzari buruzko Non dago Mikel? filmak Urugaiko Nazioarteko Zine dokumentalaren festibalaren sari nagusia irabazi du, AtlantiDoc Saria hain zuzen ere, dokumentu-film luzerik onenarentzat.
This 24 August marks the 27th anniversary of the events that took place in the Montevideo Filter. From the solidarity internationalist conscience, the Uruguayan people and numerous organizations of the popular movement claimed the right of asylum as a people to the Basque... [+]
Aurreko mendeko ziklo neoliberala atzean utzita, Abya Yalako edo Hego eta Ertamerikako politikaren grabitate zentroa ezkerrean egon da 2000. urtetik. Mugimendu eta protesta herritar eraginkorrak, kontinente mailako aliantza berriak, gobernu ezkertiar edo aurrerakoiak herrialde... [+]
Uruguaiko Paysandú departamentuan egindako ikerketa batean pestizida arrastoak aurkitu dituzte zerutik datorren euriko uretan. Hainbat ikerlarik laborategian aztertu dute ura eta intsektizidak eta fungizidak dituela ondorioztatu dute.
Apirilaren 26an izango da sari banaketa, Gernikako bonbardaketaren 79.urteurreneko ekitaldien barruan.
Idazle uruguaitarra Montevideoko ospitalean hil da 74 urterekin, Espainiako Irrati Publikoak zabaldu duenez eta Uruguaiko Montevideo Portal guneak baieztatu duenez. Hego Amerikako idazlerik nabarmenduenetakoa da.