The shooting took place yesterday morning in Lezama, when a family on the Abertzale left faced the baserritars. A 9 millimeter bullet entered the window into the kitchen of the house. The Ertzaintza has appeared at home and opened an investigation to clarify the causes of the event.
Witnesses have reported that this is not a lost bullet from a hunter and that it is not due to a family problem or a fight between two people. They also stressed that at the time of the event, the house was inhabited and that, therefore, it was threatened with death.
The Ertzaintza has informed the Aiaraldea media that an investigation has been opened and that there have not yet been any detainees. However, a man has been identified as alleged to be involved in the event, to which many injuries have been attributed. The Naiz media, for its part, has declared that the identified is a former national police officer, who has been arrested.
This news has been posted by Aiaraldea and we have brought it with CC by-sa license to ARGIA
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