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Thyme in autumn

  • When it seems that autumn starts to lose what it has, many of you will already have put on the coat as the south wind goes down and the nights cool. In our house the new coat premiered on All Saints Day, to go elegantly to the cemetery, and that was a little joy in the darkness that brings us November.

13 November 2023 - 06:08

The darkness and cold, which often accompanies humidity, begin to penetrate the interior and there are comforts. I have heard many people that this month they begin to meet with the thyme and today we are going to give a place to it, to the thyme or to the charlatxo. Among us are the types of Thymus vulgaris, Thymus citriodora and Thymus serpyllum, which are useful for all three.

Originally it is on the Mediterranean side, but whoever has it in the vegetable garden or pot probably did so a few times this year. The penetrating smell tells us that it contains strong essential oils, one of the largest antiseptics or cleaners of nature. It was not for nothing called a disinfectant for the poor. It has broad field antiseptic capacity and is able to clean infections from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

It has traditionally been used to keep the respiratory system clean, but it is also useful to keep the intestines, bladder and skin clean. We can say that we have the strengthening of the immune system, because we have seen that it is able to continuously raise leukocytes.

At this time of year it should be known that this is a Balsamic medicinal plant against cough. In these cases, I have recommended infusion with the willow flower (Sambucus nigra), although cough herbs (Tussilago farfara) seem better. I put a little honey, thyme honey. I have not said that, but the thyme is also called bee grass, the following saying is included in Lapurdi: “Beautiful wonders, bees compete there.”

It is able to warm the body when the month of November is cold and will warm us to the bones, so it looks suitable for rheumatism. In these cases, the fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) is broken, cooked for five minutes, the thyme is placed and covered for another five minutes; taking this infusion in fasting in the morning is a good idea and taking a second infusion every time we notice the body cooled. It will also help us after heavy food.

The one who makes garlic soup and bread at this time has the opportunity to put thyme, as we have also considered it as an infusion.

It is not suitable for those taking medicines to weaken immunity and should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If hyperthyroidism is small and should only be used promptly, it may cause changes in thyroid hormones. If taken daily for two months it is convenient to pause for a couple of weeks.

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