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An impossible tie

  • According to media reports, a delegation from the Social Forum and two EPPK speakers have been interviewed. They mention that the members of the collective not only show their willingness to address the legal channels of the Spanish and French states, but they are also hopeful and willing to apologize for their political activity.

13 August 2018 - 09:52
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

First question: who are the members of the Social Peace Forum? Isn’t it true that the concepts they proclaim (pure peace) only benefit the capitalist states that occupy the EH and their reformist allies as well as the petty bourgeois?

Isn’t it true that Sortu and EH Kota, in fact, demand a solution to the consequences of the conflict that is more intense than ever? On the other hand, they want to show that the use of violence in the dynamics is a monopoly of the occupying States, so why they arrive in Colombia and also in it for the peace solution

The Official Patriotic Left and the reformist have not provided any information about the oldest prisoner of the EPPK (75 years old) (Soy-Gara), since, according to the Camino de Creación, the request to move to the third degree that allows prison permits and they refuse to grant parole

Do they want to make us see that there is a process even if it is not true?

Two hundred former guerrillas and militant peasants, workers... have been cleansed in the first six months of 2018. However, Paul Rios and others refer to peace processes. In Colombia they kill those who ask for basic bread, in the Basque Country, located in a capitalist center of the planet, they ask the prisoners to repent so that they can get out of prison, that is, it was not a good thing to fight the brutality of the states that occupy the Basque Country. So a monopoly of violence on capital and the consequences of the catastrophe caused by the yellow flag with money from everyone in the Middle East, Africa or Asia.

In view of the fact that, in order to go out onto the streets, among other political issues, they are being asked for mandatory repentance and denunciation, why is the EPPK delegation prepared to embark on the path of imprisoning its enemies?

We have great respect for every fighter who has fought against the occupier and the capital. The fact is that the EPPK has not yet resolved the contradiction of the red lines of repentance and denunciation, which is the sine qua non condition imposed by the enemies to achieve freedom. We must once again put the objective of amnesty as the only possible political solution.


Meanwhile, spokespeople for the Social Forum say that Basque political prisoners are hopeful about the current situation. But we are forced to say that they are lying at this time, in the same way that they insult the common sense of passers-by, because they have to hear and hear such foolish things over and over again.

To this day, the Official Patriotic Left and the reformist have not provided any information about the oldest prisoner of the EPPK (75 years old) (Soy-Gara), since, according to the Camino de Creación, the request to move to the third degree that allows prison permits, and they have refused to grant parole, despite having completed most of the sentence, as well as the approval of the prison treatment board and the authorization of the central prison custody court.

In addition, although it has been announced that a large number of Basque political fugitives will come to the Basque Country, it has been kept secret that the events of almost 40 years ago, a 46-year sentence imposed on one of them, are the cause. In addition, while confirming that it has been made available to the Spanish and French system, praising a normal transfer to Mont-de-Marsan, the last two political prisoners that France has made available to the Spanish have been imprisoned in Murcia and Algeciras.

Although it may seem false, in order to resist the repression, as argued by the spokesmen of Sor and EH Bil, we live in another political cycle and Spain has not noticed it. What is the use of these people to act with such great complacency in the face of such repression and contempt? In addition to accepting the division of the Basque Country in the renewal of the Moncloa Statute of 1978, what will be the next surprise?

The spokesmen of the Social Forum say that the Basque political prisoners are hopeful about the current situation. But we are forced to say that at these times they are lying, in the same way that they insult the common sense of passers-by, because they have to listen and listen to such foolish things over and over again.

Either way, either the Social Forum is lying or it is the EPPK delegation that is lying when it expresses the collective’s opinion. In the short or medium term, there is no positive horizon regarding Basque political prisoners, even more negative, in the case of those who have to endure long sentences. The last person to be arrested under the accusation of belonging to ETA, with great luck, will go out on the streets in 2058. It is also important to know what is happening in the prisons, because without going too far, and although it is not yet a very significant number, more and more Basque political prisoners are no longer part of the EPPK and are systematically excluded from the lists of political prisoners used by the Sor complex. That's the way things are.

They are talking about peace and the resolution of the conflict. What is peace for the Basque Country? What is the peace of the Basque-Spanish bourgeoisie, that is, the peace of the living forces of the PNV? Well, their peace, that of the PNV, that of the PP, that of the PSOE, that of the Podemos... the peace of the sacred Spanish or French union, and none of them intends to change the evolution of exploitation and occupation with the Basque Country. In the same way they are talking about the solution and the consequences of a conflict, we insist that it can be seen more clearly than ever.

What is it to arrive at such a democratic framework that perpetuates the occupation and exploitation of our country? What is this about the victorious and the defeated? What is this about finding a way to prevent someone from becoming a loser? There is no way to find the means in front of a class that occupies and exploits the Basque Workers Country.

The match of the class struggle cannot end in a draw, and those who sell it and want a free, collective and supportive future for the Basques are lying, but they don’t get wet to the bone marrow. There is no partial or conjunctural solution, because the system will dissolve, condemn or forget.

We can see this clearly in several examples of the capitalist and imperialist system: the Tamils did not surrender and suffered the most serious genocide of modern times. The Palestinians who accepted the Oslo accords have demonstrated their subordination to Zionism, but the genocidal fascism of the Zionists has not only increased, but has not ceased. Tell us how El Salvador and Guatemala came to be after their peace processes. Explain to us that the dyke devised to sustain the social revolution that was about to break out in South Africa, saving the exploitation of whites and foreign capital, was “intended” to create racial segregation and a petty-bourgeois class fraction of black citizens. Tell us how Northern Ireland is and how many Irish political prisoners there are.

Although we know very well what we do not want, it is true that we still rarely create the structures and dynamics necessary to sustain the struggle for the Basque socialist revolution.

It is obvious that we will not demand any kind of authorization, as a national collective, for the right to make decisions about our own affairs and decide about what concerns us, in the way and when we want it, or for the right to rebel against the occupation of the Basque Country and the exploitation we suffer.

As we said a long time ago, Basque workers, workers from other nations of the peninsula and workers from the continent belong to the same class but different countries.

In the Basque Country there is no future for those who sell their workforce under submissiveness. As long as we are glued to the soles of the Spanish and French boots, we will never be completely sovereign at the national or social level. We will continue the struggle for a free and socialist Basque Country.


Jon IurrebasoAtutxa, former political prisoner of ETA.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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