What happened on Saturday, March 28?
It wouldn't be 17:00. Jésus had been "out, go out..." and, well, from AFARABA (Alavesa Association of relatives and friends of people with Alzheimer's and other dementias), we were recommended to give us some little passion, for the good of the sick. Always with a certificate of this disease. We got the neurologist's report from the hospital and we got out with him. We went behind the music conservatory, so we could see as few people as possible. There we met the two guards.
They were talking to a young man, and judging by the shapes, I thought. "We've touched the stone. He was with a dog and the police were telling him that he would have to get used to doing the needs at home, that if he smells, he will smell... It was our turn.
Did you ask them for explanations?
Let's see where we're going, they. Jésen replied: -To turn around for the good weather. They started making us believe that we were in a tone that you couldn't believe. "What are you saying?" But what do you think? ". I explained to them: "I have a report and, from what we have been told, we have the opportunity to give us a little passion," he added. I took out the report to show it to the agent, who said: "Don't approach, don't approach, don't touch! Teach it, teach it! ". It was surreal, I was teaching the paper and wanting to read it a meter away. Meanwhile, the second bofio had begun: “What do you think? You are shameless, carefree, a Txagorritxu hospital overwhelmed by you and that is killing people, for your class, carefree. ". I said: "I'm up to date, but we've been advised to take a short walk through our situation." They continued in the same tone: “You have a risk profile by age, you will be admitted to Txagorritxu and we will see if you leave there.” And Jesus, unable to realize what was going on, "Yes, we have a habit of doing it." And the cops, until the one who read the report, asked him: Shut up when you're spoiling the situation, shut up! ". I told them I already had a broken voice. "Do you think we've come out to give you a taste?" ". Baskonia did not turn its guard down, and they continued abruptly: "That is worth EUR 1,200. 1,200 today, tomorrow 6,000, and more." One of them shouted at me, ashamed of me, because all the inhabitants of the houses would listen to us.
I couldn't believe how they treated us. It was about 15 minutes, you don't think it was a moment. If I'm told that we can't leave either, or even if I get a fine, well, I'm aware of the situation. They have given us everywhere!
And how did the conversation end?
They sent us to go home. - Go home! And because you met us, had I had other colleagues you would have been fined 1,200 euros." And we, "OK, it won't happen again, we go home."
How did you feel?
What hurt me the most is when they said to Jesúsi, after reading that he already has dementia, "Shut up! Shut up! You are wrong! ". Reading the report, the police told me, "But this is October 2018! ". I answered him with a broken voice. - And do you think it has improved since then? ".
I felt terrible powerlessness. And sadness. If you put a fine on me, I go home with rage, but it's over. He can't leave, but those manners... behaved very badly with us. How can it be?
Are you afraid to leave now?
Of course. Only once since then have we left the house, today [7 April], to feed the animals we have in the neighboring village. With a terrible tension on the road, I crossed over to the police and started to tremble like I was doing the worst thing in the world. It's not worth leaving.
People with dementia are getting worse in the containment state in general. Your husband too?
Yes, a lot. Today I spoke to the medical family and he told me that this is normal. It is the result of breaking all the routines from one day to the next. Jesus had many activities. Twice a week I would go to the mountain, sing, pintxo pote with friends...
It is true that a small walk around the house would not change the trends very much. Another thing would be to be able to take the routine of going out a little more each day. But we can't. The doctor has told me that if he gets violent for not leaving, he will give me another report, but Jesus does not behave like this.
It must be hard to live all that...
Yes, it's complicated. The daughter comes every day and exercises Jesus, we stretch, I can have other interviews. Sunday didn't come. And, Jesus, "What will I wear? What will we do? Aren't we going to have a coffee? What do we do? "Am I doing OK?" What do we do? "Well, we're going to take a walk. That day I moved away. Of course, it doesn't understand why we can't leave. You understand it when I explain it, but you forgot it in two minutes. The evening has passed with the umbrella and the jacket, it has opened and closed the door. It's hard, yes. It may be that if we leave every day for two hours it will calm down, but from one day to the next we have cut off any activity and with it the damage is great.
Since AFARABA, they have pointed out that there has been more than one such problem with the police, which has imposed several fines on the relatives of those affected by the serious situations.
I called the AFARABA psychologist. To tell me what had happened to me and not to advise me, having seen what I had seen, to leave. He told me that he was not surprised at what had happened to me, that he had already heard of other events.
One of her daughters called the Municipal Police to ask for information, right?
From AFARABA we were provided with a telephone number of the Municipal Police requesting information. The daughter called and was very unpleasant. They spoke to him abruptly and without any sensitivity. -Miss, we're at war. What do you say about leaving? and other things like that. An absolutely alarming and extreme attitude. I think the Municipal Police isn't there for that.
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