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"We don't imagine how far Amazon practices go."

  • Do we really know what Amazon is willing -- and what it does -- to do to tense and assimilate the market? Have we thought about the harms of this consumption model? The Lower Bidasoa Social Rights Charter has organised a colloquium in which it will reflect on the opening of Amazon’s headquarters in Oiartzun. “There are solutions, but we have to build them together.”

21 September 2021 - 12:22
Last updated: 14:26

That they burn products that they don’t sell, that once they monopolize the market, they will start to distribute through the drone… Claudia Romero, member of the Lower Bidasoa Social Letters. They themselves have organized for this Thursday the tertulia “Amazon, ez hemen ez inon”, in the space Palmera Montero de Irun, at 18:30 hours.

One of the objectives of the tertulia is to publicize these practices and talk about the influence of the Amazon model on the precariousness of working conditions, loss of rights, the environment, local trade, the territorial model…

Building alternatives

Beyond criticism, they want to become aware of the existence of other models and emphasise that we can bet on them. “We will show alternatives and the difficulties we have to carry them forward, because the road is not pink, and that’s why everyone’s involvement is important: there are solutions, but we have to build them together,” says Romero.

Representatives of these solutions will also participate, such as a member of the Zaldunborda Gelditu platform (representing small traders in the region) and a member of the newly created Badoa dealer cooperative.

New Oiartzun area for Amazon?

Amazon asks Romero what it is like to open a space in Oiartzun. The issue is standing still, there are no news, “but with these companies you never know, their financial and structural capacity is so great that they can jump from one day to the next.” In any case, he wanted to make the main message clear: “Amazon, neither here nor anywhere.”


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