"Listen, Basques! Let us take our responsibility: let us not attribute responsibility to others. Let us not ask what the institutions are going to do for the Basque people. Let's talk about Basque. Let us not hold anyone to account. Let's talk about Basque. It is necessary that you can speak in Basque in the town hall of our people; it is more important, going out, that you speak in Basque among the Basque friends". This is evident from the reading made by the Euzkadi Buru Batzar of the PNV on the occasion of the Basque Day.
They have recalled that Euskera Day is celebrated on December 3, the day on which San Francisco Javier died, and that he maintained a relationship in Euskera with his mother. "The linguistic relations between San Francisco Javier and his mother should still guide us. They perfectly demonstrated that, despite the limitations, problems and obstacles, Euskaldunes remained because they spoke in Euskera as their usual language and their own. Then was the family the fire, the fire and the bellows, the fire of the Basques, the fire and the bellows. Everyone needs their own fire to get better and healthier warms," they say.
The party leading Andoni Ortuzar thus describes the persecution of the Spanish and French states against the Basques: "The political and judicial powers that work in Spanish on both sides of the Pyrenees have never made it easier for the Basque Country to develop peacefully". However, they say that if the Basque country has survived it is because people have continued to speak in Basque. "Among us we have spoken in Basque, both in the family and in friends and friends. In these areas they are not influenced by the powers of foreign peoples. If we Euskaldunes work in Euskera with each other, five of us say so." The PNV says that "in the last centuries the Basques have not had an official, nor easy legal framework, nor the help of the judges to express themselves in Euskera", but they maintain the Basque. How? "Speaking in Basque the Basques with the Basques".
They have acknowledged that the situation in Euskera is not good. "We have already been told that Euskera is in a delicate situation. It's true. He is in serious condition. We are told that officialdom and the legal framework are the biggest problems for the Basque country to remain alive. It is true: the official and the legal framework are good fellow travellers, but they are not enough for the Basque country to last forever. The bellows of the Basques are indispensable".
On more than one occasion they have stressed the responsibility of each individual in the choice of language. In the following paragraph, p. ex. : "Listen, Basques! We are Euskaldunes because we work in Euskera. Instead of speaking in Basque, even if we know it, if we do it in Spanish, we hide it, we hide it, we locate it, we disappear it, without the intervention of anyone from outside. Only we reject the Basque language, every time we speak in Spanish (...) the Basque language makes us Euskaldunes, and if we want to be Euskaldunes, we will have to speak in Basque, without asking anyone to account, imposing responsibilities on us, not on anyone else".
The reading of Basque Day has ended with the poem of Joxan Artze, in the same line: "Listen, Basques! A language is not lost because those who do not know do not learn, but because those who know do not speak. Instead of taking responsibility for what someone can do, let us do among ourselves in Euskera; that is in our hands."
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]