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No committee of inquiry will be set up to deal with the issue of the Navarre mask

  • That is what the Navarre Parliament adopted on Thursday. Navarra Suma made the request, but it has been left alone once again. PSN, Geroa Bai, Ahal Duguk and I refuse and EH Bildu abstains.

18 November 2022 - 16:23
Last updated: 2022-11-19 19:36

The elections will be held next May and Navarre Suma will face the government he had in the months prior to the elections. Accused of electionalism, therefore, the parties supporting the Government of Navarre refuse, after seven attempts at exposition, to consider the matter sufficiently exposed. They consider that the operation was carried out in a complicated situation, and it has become clear that there has been no fraud or similar.

EH Bildu also explained clearly that he would not give this sweet election to Navarre Suma, but, far from the other forces, he stressed that there is still something to be clarified and Lehendakari Chivite thought he should give explanations.

No, not everything is so clear

The Government has soon wanted to clear the matter and there are seven attempts at explanation, but not if it does not serve to clarify what has happened in the end. And there are still many fields in the air. It is quite clear that it was not classic corruption and that no one has raised the money illegally. But it is quite clear that this issue of the mask is a bad example of the poor relationship between public space and the private sector, which has caused the public purse to lose almost EUR 2 million. Similar signs can be found in the management of Senda Viva or the Circuit of Los Arcos, where the public treasury is leaving many millions of euros.

1.7 million masks and other materials remain unused when they say they have an expiry date of 2023. It is therefore not clear how it will be used. Seven government hearings yes, but it is not yet clear to whom the material belongs, and the employer does not allow it to be used until it is ensured that the government will not claim money. So it seems that he is businessmen, and Irujo has also acknowledged that the counsellor, that the masks belong to CEN and that he can go to court. CEN has not gone through the chaches and threatens Irujo, suggesting that it be careful because it still has a lot of information without leaving. And it seems that the judicial route has reached that point.

Furthermore, the inspectors said in July – it was known at the end of August – that the operation was not well done, because by its nature the government had to accept it expressly, and that it was not done, and that the loan was not made with sufficient guarantees. This makes it easier to understand the EUR 2 million hole. On the work of the inspectors the PSN said that its analysis served to demonstrate that the system works.

The members of the Government see no problem, but in case Geroa Bai has tried to bring Osasunbidea out as part of the matter, but the Department of Health has escaped the matter, and Elma Saiz, Finance Minister of the PSN and President of the Public Enterprises Corporation of Navarra, wanted to make it clear that only he knew the agreement and that the responsibility is exclusive.

Yes, there's no sign of classical corruption, but that's where there's plenty of room to say that things got right. The House of Auditors of Navarra also undertakes to study the subject in more detail. And just in case, when the matter was known at the end of August, Counsellor Irujo left the post of Sodena Director-General, Pilar Irigoien. A committee of inquiry will not be set up, but it is not yet clear.

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