Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Contain, banarama and

Behe Banda

21 October 2024 - 07:28

Don't ask why, but I've often thought that we have a great deal of ease in accepting what hurts us. Simplicity, or perhaps necessity. In short, this is an issue that raises an obvious dichotomy: you can oppose its cause or devour it with bones. There is no medium term.

Because dealing with anything is so heavy as hard work, one day you give up in the direction of the current and wake up in something you don't know anymore. As the continuous hum of the abyss hits the eardrums, they learn not to hear anything, to seek a decent peace on the way to the fall, to romantic lives. As soon as you realize, the need has devoured you, with bones and everything.

“Why am I trying to save you against all the evidence? Why do I want to believe that your love gave me nothing, when all that has given me I have perhaps created it alone?” These are the doubts raised by Karmele Jaio in the novel Capital Amoroso, and I think it is legitimate to raise the same concerns to the time in which we live asking the lover: Why am I trying to idealize you? Why do I want to believe that it has something reserved for us?

Smiling, the current has led you to a place you don't know. You don't know where it comes from anymore, who you come with, because the water drags you.

To idealize is precisely to look discreetly to the other side above all that gives us concern, to disguise the cruelties of opportunity. It is a simple and attractive game: Close your eyes and bounce! Extending the first year’s master’s degree to two years is not a theft, but an opportunity for a comprehensive and quality learning process that will help you to develop diverse competences. The selectivity that is taking place in recent times, be it an old model or an old model and maquillado of this course, is not a cruel distinction of the students, but the possibility of choosing the future you want. Endless unpaid practices are not a exploitation, but a special opportunity to train you in what your work is going to be.

The list is long. A lot.

And we know, deep down, that the wolf disguised as a sheep is nothing more than an instinct for survival, a sign that need has caught us in its current. But to the extent that the boundary between what is there and what we want is blurring, it is essential to remember what is really, who is who, because in this world of infinite possibilities, the one of being oppressed is ultimately imposed.

And maybe the appeal of this idyllic world is the worst of the evils. A stupid smile after getting the note you needed in selectivity, even more so when your parents tell you that work always pays off. A naïve smile every time the mathematics students of the UPV/EHU get a job offer from Laboral Kutxa, that point of having chosen the right career. A stupid smile when you see that you charge a little bit more than the crew, another when the boss congratulates you. A stupid smile when you think that the winning strategy is in the game of life.

Smiling, the current has led you to a place you don't know. You don't know where it comes from anymore, with whom you come, the water drags and the fingers don't touch the earth. Your desires aren't yours, you don't know who you've become, but how beautiful the world of possibilities is.

I have often thought that we have a great deal of ease in accepting what hurts us. Don't ask why.

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