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The Government of Navarre organises a conference on the implementation of euthanasia

  • The Department of Health of the Government of Navarra has organized the Decisions at the end of life. On 23 November they will be in Baluarte and one of the sessions will be open to citizens (with open registration) and another for professionals.

09 November 2021 - 11:39
Last updated: 13:01
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Government of Navarre has recalled that the latest reports prior to the pandemic of the Observatory of Dignified Death of Navarre show that Navarre citizens are in favour of making decisions on end-of-life care: "In general, what they want is to die at home, receive palliative care, leave the will written beforehand and ask for spiritual help," he added. In addition, the reports conclude that the requirement and legalization of euthanasia, as well as assisted suicide, are considered morally acceptable".

The Government of Navarra stresses that these decisions on the end of life are not known in the family and that only 58% of the population are aware of the possibility of leaving advance directives written. Thus, they have argued the need for these days to inform and train both citizens and professionals.

Content of the days

Rapporteurs with experience in ethics and law will be involved in the final decisions of life. Nuria Terribas, a lawyer and expert in bioethics, also a member of the evaluation and guarantee committee for the implementation of euthanasia in Catalonia, will be the guest this morning. The guest will talk about autonomy and decision-making in healthcare. Next, Koldo Martínez will explain the Spanish law of euthanasia.

The afternoon session will be addressed to professionals. The Catalan nurse Cristina Lasmarías and the intensive physician Iñaki Saralegi will analyze around the table the pre-writing framework of decisions and communication between patients and professionals in this matter. The afternoon will end with explanations on the application of the Spanish Euthanasia Law, on the procedure that has been carried out in Catalonia with euthanasia. Nuria Terribas and Victoria Vivanco will participate.

To sign up for the city days, you have to click here.


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