As explained by the Basque Currency Institute, this 3% result system resulted from a trip to Germany to learn about the local currency of Chiemgauer in 2012. "Functioning is very simple: every member of the local currency can choose a partnership that they want to support, and an association with 30 sponsors enters the resource of 3% of the Eusko result. Consequently, Eusko (and not members) will make an annual result to the association. This result will be equal to 3% of the euros modified by all the sponsors of the association. Therefore, a user who changes € 100 will receive € 100 and also Euskok € 3 (in Basque, of course!). they will be handed over by the user to the association that protects them."
In 2021 there have been 61 target associations (see full list here), of which a dozen have exceeded this year the result of 1,000 Euskos, including the AEK (1,690,89 Eusko) associations for the teaching of Euskera to adults, Lurzaindia (1,394,04 Eusko) for the protection of farmland and the Integration Committee (1,197,66).
It is worth mentioning in particular an association, which this year has rapidly increased the amount of its result: Baionako Ikastolen Lagunak (Bil. In fact, the party commission of the two ikastolas in Baiona has gone from 2,901 last year to 4,241 this year. Long live! The environmental partnership received a total of EUR 3,383.46 million in aid this year.
The new president of the Ikastola de Hiriondo, Dominique Legarto, explained how the Federation of Ikastolas de Baiona has increased its result. On the one hand, the number of sponsors has increased by 20 per cent, but on the other hand, these sponsors are increasingly using the local currency: “We talk about Euskera in every general assembly, and in the events we have organized, people come from Euskal to set up briefings and talk to the people. Many of the 174 families have opened an account and support us. But, since last year, our result has increased, especially because our sponsors use the local currency more, and we have pushed and facilitated it. School fees for children and self-help payments (purchase, garage payment, hairdresser, etc.) More and more local currencies are making our partners. On the other hand, the digital development of Euskera, especially with the Euskopay application, has contributed a great deal, as making payments to the partners has become a very simple task; it is also very practical for us, to pay the suppliers we seek priority in the Basque Network.”
The Basque Institute of Currency has stated that "the objective of using the local currency of Ipar Euskal Herria is not only to help the vital association. The professionals of the network also have to promote the use of Euskera and care for the environment. And every euro spent in Euskera is a euro that is in the territory and in the local economy, developing short circuits and local employment. The use of the Basque Country is a daily gesture in favor of the construction of a more ecological, more Basque and solidarity Basque Country".
Larunbat honetan iraganen da Miarritzeko Surfrider fundazioan Eusko ekimenak antolatzen duen Elkarteen eguna. Lekuko moneta bat plantan ezartzearen parte bat elkarteei bideratzen die sistemak eta aurten ere, diruaren birbanaketa solidario horri esker, elkarte batzuk sarituak... [+]
Euskal Elkargoko Turismo Bulegoak eta Euskal Moneta elkarteak “Bakantzak euskoz” egitasmoa jarri dute martxan, helburu batekin: oporrak eusko moneta erabiliz igaro ahal izatea.