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Saturday is celebrated in Ezpeleta the 10th anniversary of the Basque Country

  • The Basque Country has become the largest local currency in Europe for 10 years. The Basque Currency aspires to be a tool to "promote solidarity and recover power to think of territory".
3,5 milioi eusko baino gehiago daude, 1.300 profesionalek eta 4.000 partikularrek erabiltzen dute. Argazkia: Euskoa.

14 April 2023 - 11:49
Last updated: 13:02
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Euskoa is ten years old and on Saturday they will celebrate the Basque Day in Ezpeleta. This anniversary will bring together all the people concerned or who have contributed to the development of the Basque country.

On Saturday they expect to bring together many people throughout the day and night, thanks to the programming of talks, producers and creators market, food with farmers' products, children's entertainment, dances, popular games and concerts, Mouss et Hakim (Zebda), Willis Drummond and Le Bal du Samedi Soir.

Euskoa has stressed that it is more than a currency, it is also a resource for solidarity and for regaining the power to think about the territory of tomorrow.

The Basque local currency is the largest in Europe

Euskoa is a local money promoted by Euskal Moneta and is mainly used in the Northern Basque Country. The project was born on 31 January 2013 with the help of the Association for the Creation of the Basque Ecological and Solidarity Currency. It is currently the largest local currency in Europe, with over 3.5 million Basques in hand and 1,300 professionals and 4,000 individuals.

The promoters say that thanks to the collaboration of dozens of volunteers, the commitment of the team of employees who participate fully in the project and, above all, the mobilization of the users, this constant increase has occurred.

Euskoa says that Basque use is to support local economic operators. It has four priority axes: development of the private network, facilitation of traffic between professionals, consolidation of the structure and adoption of safety measures in favor of the project and unlocking the use of the Basque Country among schools.

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