This Saturday the annual congress of the Euskal Moneta Association has been held, in which the Euskopay application, a pioneering initiative, has been presented. With the mobile, Euskopay allows you to make payments in Basque currency by scanning the QR code of the seller's box. At the moment it can be used in 100 establishments, but the aim is to reach 600 before the end of the year. At the Saturday meeting, the association created in 2013 reaffirmed its intention to continue building a “Euskal Herria more ecological, more Euskaldun and solidarity”.
“Bakantza euskoz”
A new partnership initiative has been announced on Monday morning. At the tourist office in Baiona he has presented the initiative “Basque Bakcop. Based on the shops and producers that use Euskera, it offers seven routes for sightseeing in Ipar Euskal Herria. “Through BakEuskoz we propose to get to know Euskal Herria (ber), in ecological transition through the Basque Country, bringing you closer to producers, leisure professionals, sellers and craftsmen committed to the local economy and the promotion of the Basque Country,” they explained. The initiative has been launched via a website to publicise the initiative.
What if you spent the sunny days in Euskera? The currency of the Basque Country launches a new participatory tourism operation: [1/4]
— Eusko (@EuskalMoneta) July 6, 2020
Larunbat honetan iraganen da Miarritzeko Surfrider fundazioan Eusko ekimenak antolatzen duen Elkarteen eguna. Lekuko moneta bat plantan ezartzearen parte bat elkarteei bideratzen die sistemak eta aurten ere, diruaren birbanaketa solidario horri esker, elkarte batzuk sarituak... [+]
Euskal Elkargoko Turismo Bulegoak eta Euskal Moneta elkarteak “Bakantzak euskoz” egitasmoa jarri dute martxan, helburu batekin: oporrak eusko moneta erabiliz igaro ahal izatea.