Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Basque currency associations have their day on Saturday in Donapaleu

  • Saturday, 10 October is celebrated in Donapaleu on the day of the festival of associations promoting the Basque, ecological and solidarity currency. According to the organizers, some 60 Iparralde associations will be distributed over 30,000 Basques that are part of the march of this witness currency. In the streets of Donapaleu there will be stands of these associations and market of producers who work in Euskera.

08 October 2020 - 09:50
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In 2013, the ecological and solidarity Basque currency of Eusko Leku was created and disseminated, taking as a model other currencies that worked successfully in this area in Europe and adapting them to Ipar Euskal Herria. As the founders stated at the time, the main objective of the new currency is "the development and reinvestment of the local economy". It is also a question of working relations between local businesses, creating an inter-company network to accelerate the economy. The partnership has other objectives, which for us are of equal importance: to promote the use of Euskera in public life and to live in a practical way the issue of the environment. So we asked companies entering the network to get involved in these issues." Every Basque has a value of Euro.

Since then, according to the association managed by Euskoa in these seven years, by the beginning of 2020 there were more than one and a half million Basques in circulation distributed in the hands of: 3,800 individual members, 1,000 professionals, 22 peoples, plus the Commonwealth of Iparralde which publicly acknowledges its accession to the currency. Eusko Alkartasuna proudly proclaims that "Euskoa is the main local currency in Europe, against the German Chiemgauer and the Bristol Pound of England".

Since its inception, 3% of the purchases made in the Basque Country have been distributed in the form of donations to different associations of Iparralde; over the last seven years, more than 100,000 Basques. On 10 October, 30,000 donations from Eusko will be made at the Donapaleu Festival to 60 associations that promote the environment, the Basque Country, solidarity, education, popular cultivation, culture and sport.

At the Donapaleu festival, where the safety of people is a priority in times of pandemic, the organizers have ensured that they will comply with the protocol that requires the management of COVID-19: the use of the mask will be mandatory, the spaces between people will be cared for, the directions will be marked so that people do not get confused in the journey, etc. In addition to monitoring protective measures, the organizers want to encourage people to leave the house: "Beyond the prohibitions imposed by law, the current health context is excruciating and makes you want to be at home and to live together. Therefore, the dynamic is very threatened, the living culture, the living partnership, the social ties… It would have been easier to reject this event, but we have decided to maintain it. Adapting ourselves, of course, to ensure the safety of the participants, but it still seemed more important, due to the current situation, to follow the essence of the Euskoaren proiektua project, that is, to join us, to do with the elgarras and to support the local dynamics!"


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