Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and party representatives met this Thursday morning to discuss the call for elections.
The last meeting was held on 30 April and Urkullu proposed two deadlines for the elections: One option was for the elections to be held in July and the other to be held in September or October. The opposition parties transferred to lehendakari that it is not time to think about the elections, but he gave them a two-week period to reflect on the possibilities. It has been known that EH Bildu and Podemos are in favour of holding the elections in October, which will be held in the Basque Country. In any event, the last word is held by lehendakari himself, and he is in favour of the elections being held in July.
It remains to be seen whether or not a decision will be taken at today’s meeting. The last day for the elections would be October 25, and in order to be able to call a new call, Urkullu should abandon the health emergency and thus avoid the elections.
The intention of Urkullu was, in principle, that the elections should be held on 5 April. However, on 16 March it had to be suspended because by then WHO had declared a state of pandemic and the Spanish State had already announced the state of alarm. Lehendakari wants to put an end to backward elections, and by then, seeing that the pandemic is already going to be weakened, he wants to vote in July. However, it is not possible to know what the state of health will be in July, and there is no guarantee that elections will be possible.
Law 5/1990 on elections to the Basque Parliament stipulates that elections shall be held within 54 days of the call. This period may be prudent for when there is no state of health emergency, but in the current situation nothing can be predicted with an interval of 54 days.
The jurists of the Basque Government have proposed that two dates be set for the next regional elections. In this way, if voting was not possible on the first date, it would take place on the second date indicated.
Hauteskundeak izan dira oraingoan Euskal Herriaren mendebalde honetan, eta horien ondoren gerta ohi denez, erabateko garaipen loriatsua (auto)aldarrikatzera abiatu da prestu irabazten lar ohituta dugun EAJ.
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Iñigo Urkullu jarduneko lehendakariak eta bere alderdiak hauteskunde kanpainan esan dutenez, “ezkerrekoak eta eskuinekoak jada ez dira existitzen”. Gaur egun EAEn nagusi den politikaren alternatibarik existituko ez balitz bezala, hau da, ez balego bezala... [+]
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