In addition, the resident platform has criticized that the Institutional Declaration of Climate Emergency adopted last July in the Governing Council of the Basque Government is "of propaganda and hypocrisy". Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, announced its accession, accompanied by the members of the Basque Government, and stressed that “the fight against climate change is a global challenge”. “We are absolutely convinced that Euskadi can lead this challenge and turn it into a lever for transformation for a more competitive and climate-neutral economy,” he said.
The neighbours of Satorralaia have denounced that the Basque Government has declared a state of ecological emergency, but that it has infrastructures such as the Metro, the TAV or the incinerator. Furthermore, they have warned that the priority that the Basque Government gives to economic growth is "obvious", which will save the planet and the "capitalist industrial society", instead of saving it.
The neighborhood platform has pointed out that the Metro project is “absolutely unnecessary” and “an infrastructure imposed without the participation of the citizens”. They stress that there are many reasons to paralyse it. On the one hand, they have warned that the one-metre construction project has no justification for improving urban mobility. On the other hand, the neighbours of Satorralaia have questioned the city model that drives this infrastructure: “Bringing this project to the surroundings of the Centro and the commercial and touristic area of the Concha will further cause the commodification, turistification and speculation of the city we suffered in Donostia.”