On Saturday the company Profersa ongarri suffered the accident for the second time, on 26 April it already worried neighbours since the smoke cloud covered Zorroza. The Bilbao Neighborhood Federation has been demanding the relocation of the work centers of the companies Profersa and Sader de Zorroza, for years, because the waste generated and the gases emitted in the production processes seriously damage the neighborhood's air quality. Both work centers are located in the center of the city, a few meters from the residential areas of the neighbors, so that last March a motion for the transfer of companies was presented in the plenary of the City Council of Bilbao once again, six years earlier, as was done for the first time in 2018. In return, the Basque Government approved the “urgent” installation of two air quality measuring devices.
Both companies unanimously approved the measurement of the environmental impacts derived from their activity, indicating that inspections are frequent without warning before each stage when major compliance measures are taken. But neighbors did not see the decision with good eyes and began mobilizations for the immediate relocation of the work centers. After the first accident on 26 April, the dense cloud of smoke in Zorroza could be seen again on Saturday, which has led to the precautionary closure agreement of the government company. In addition to this measure, the Port of Bilbao has already begun the procedures to condition a 17.500 square metre floor to the company Agaleus, which includes Sader and Profersa. Agaleus stressed that this move to Zierbena is a “long-term” option, so the process is still only in its beginnings.
The relocation of Sader and Profersa seems to be an ever closer reality, although previously the Bilbao City Hall was not foreseen before 2028, while the accidents of the last two weeks have generated an intense debate in the workplace that seems to be going ahead sooner than expected.
Duela bi aste Pasaiako Portuan agintari nagusiei errautsak bota zizkien laguna defendatu dute, errauts hori herritarrek egunero irensten duten zati “nimiño” bat dela esanaz. Larunbatean elkarretaratzea egin zuten Lezoko udaletxearen aurrean, eta sinadura... [+]