On Tuesday, at 11:30 PM, the Berri Otxoa platform, an agent for combating social exclusion and social rights, claims that Etxebide has increased the requirements for housing or logols rental aid.
The members of the agent note that “the Basque Government will apply for enrollment in the Basque Housing Service – Etxebide for three years to access the Economic Housing Benefit. It now takes no time to access the two benefits that will disappear on 2 April.” They also recall that the current Decree that will develop the current Housing Act foresees the disappearance of the Supplementary Housing Benefit of Lanbide and the Emergency Social Services Aid. It will thus establish a single rental aid: Economic Housing Benefit.
The agent wanted to focus on the consequences of the requirement of having to be in Etxebide for three years, the families requesting this assistance being left unassisted and the new applicants waiting for three years.
Finally, the political parties in power have criticised the attitude developed on the housing issue. Specifically, they wanted to claim that the existing public etxebizitza.parke is insufficient and that private rentals are not regulated.
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Azken boladan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu gazte askok etxebizitza erosteko ahalmenik ez dugula. Batzuetan, badirudi ez dagoela beste gairik; egia da gai serioa dela. Niri neuri ere, 31 gertu izan arren, oraindik pixka bat falta zait neurea izango den etxebizitza lortzeko... [+]
Azken egunak garrantzi handikoak izan dira Bartzelonan, etxebizitzaren aldeko mugimenduarentzat eta espekulatzaileen aurkako borrokarentzat. Urtarrilaren 28an, polizia-armada batek Raval auzoko Massana Zaharrari [zentro sozial okupatua] eraso egin zion goizaldean, aurrez abisatu... [+]