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The XIX Congress of Basque Studies Congress, behind closed doors

11 July 2024 - 09:38
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The issue of cohesion is today the first responsibility of many governments, public institutions and non-governmental organisations. Indeed, societies with low inequalities more easily generate conditions for economic, social and cultural development, better governance ecosystems and better face future challenges; peoples with cohesion have less exclusion, stronger social capital and a greater sense of belonging and confidence.

The XIX Basque Study Congress to be held from 2 to 4 October 2024 at the European Congress Palace of Vitoria-Gasteiz. In Congress, we will reflect on the steps to be taken to increase the social and territorial cohesion of the Basque Country, with the aim of improving the welfare of the Basque Country. What unites us. Under the motto People’s Pact(s) for social and territorial cohesion, we will make proposals for a country pact that will increase cohesion between citizenship and territories.

Minouche Shafik What we need each other. A new social contract (2022) [What we owe. As the book “A New Social Contract” points out, “the country pact covers everything: our political institutions, our legal and legal structures and our material conditions, as well as the family and community organization, our well-being, our relationships and our life prospects”.

Therefore, with a broad view and grasping multiple vertices, seeking cohesion, one has to focus on different fields. On the one hand, we have to start talking about a new socio-economic model: What economic development do we need? What is the future of employment? What sustainability do we guarantee? Is intergenerational solidarity possible? Drawing up proposals for the transition to a new economic model is essential.

It is essential to focus on territoriality. Work proposals to strengthen the relations between Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria and the urban and rural world; gather proposals to overcome territorial conflicts of sovereignty...

On the other hand, one must look at the relationship between the people living in the Basque Country: What benefits does social innovation bring? Could we talk about a joint Basque education system? How can Basque identity be placed in a plural and increasingly plural society? How can we ensure cultural participation by guaranteeing our rights? Varied questions that directly address the realities that integrate in our daily life.

Finally, it is essential to focus on territoriality, that is, to reflect on balance and borders between peoples. In particular, to talk about the need for dialogue between all territories, as well as to promote new relations. To develop proposals to strengthen the relations between Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria, as well as between the city and the rural environment, and to collect proposals to overcome territorial conflicts of sovereignty.

Cohesion, grass-roots pacts, welfare, development, new socio-economic model, territorial conflicts, relations between cities and the rural environment... There is no doubt that we are at the right time to address issues that are important for the future of Euskal Herria. If Euskal Herria wants to remain, we cannot ignore these issues. In fact, it came out much better than “it was over” “whatever happens.”

As a scientific-cultural association to respond to the concerns and challenges of the Basque Country, Eusko Ikaskuntza has carried out several studies related to cohesion since 2018. 18. From Congress, citizens, agents, experts and institutions have been brought together and work has been done on developing proposals to improve cohesion. At the October Congress we will have the opportunity to know the results of all these investigations.

We will also learn about the works and reflections that have been done in Euskal Herria on these topics in other institutions and areas. And we'll also have references from outside of Euskal Herria. In other words, there will also be well-known international thinkers who will help us to place the reality of Euskal Herria on a global level. A collective reflection will be made that confuses external and internal looks.

When the word congress is heard, we immediately think about university and academic reflections. The XIX Congress of Basque Studies will be attended by members of the academy, but along with them, the people who are concerned about the future of Euskal Herria, whether they are members of Eusko Ikaskuntza or not, are key. In fact, real knowledge, strategies and agreements are generated in the group. As stated in the book of Minouche Shafik: “(...) society must decide on the objective of the people’s pact, and to this end it must take account of a wide range of indicators”.

Conferences, round tables, debates, cultural performances... we have prepared an attractive and open program for October 2, 3 and 4, in which Congress creates an interesting context to reflect on the future of Euskal Herria. Therefore, anyone who wants to register has the opportunity to deepen the social and territorial cohesion of the Basque Country.

Patxi Juaristi, XIX Congress of Basque Studies President of the Congress

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