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Historical researchers and decolonization of the Basque origin

  • In the last decade we believe that more results are being produced than ever in the research on the origin of the Basque country: articles, books, debates… For example, a university in Paris has published a book on Iruña–Veleia by Héctor Iglesias. The prestigious editorial L’Harmattan has published the book L’Origine of the Basque language Eñaut Etxamendi, Dominique eta Fina Davant and Roger Courtois. The publication of a book is as important as the completion of a thesis in the French state.

21 May 2019 - 08:31
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Hegoalde has also published books by many authors on this topic: Josu Naberan, 20 books by Javier Goitia (DNA and sectoral etymological dictionaries), another 20 books by Felix Zubiaga, the resurrection of Kapanaga, Antonio Mendizabal, Jose Mari Ugalde, Jesus Zugatzaga, Jon Goitia on the Internet, Miguel Garai, Jon Nikokolas, Milos

Little by little, new winds come to the work of the origin of the Basque Country. There are many factors that have driven it, such as the ease of communication through the Internet, the existence of new very good tools to investigate toponymy, the increase of researchers on this topic and Iruña Veleia.

This last topic, for example, has been a milestone in the study of the origin of the Basque Country, since the archeometry of graphite dating has not been chosen. Why? Because in the Basque philosophy that has been taught so far, it is said that there are many gaps. If there was any doubt as to whether the graphites were true or not, it would be enough to date them. However, to prevent anything like that from happening, the excavator has been excavated three times and now Eliseo Gil and Oskar Escribano are ready to go into prison. Is Basque official philology, history and archaeology, without scientific data or evidence, going to imprison two innocent people? How far have we come?

Iruña Veleia has taught us that research on the origin of the Basque country should be carried out in other ways. So, once again, we have looked back and we see that we have to know the works that have so far worked in the Basque research.

By mistake, it is time to get to know the works of Larramendi, Hervas, Humboldt and a total of 21 researchers. In fact, taking into account the resources and time of each one, and after removing those that should be discarded, we realized that they made interesting contributions to our language.

Little by little, new winds come to the work of the origin of the Basque Country. There are many factors that have driven it, such as the ease of communication through the Internet, the existence of new very good tools to investigate toponymy, the increase of researchers on
this topic and
Iruña Veleia

Thanks to Etxabe and Poza, we discovered that in the Iberian peninsula there are many Basque toponyms: Uria, Iria, Urbi, Aduna… and some were well known: Granada=Iliberri, Guadalajara=Arriaka… Larramendi made the first claim of Euskal Herria as a political subject; he analyzed history, excerpts, culture…; he pulled them out of the destruction of Hernani's anchor stoves and stoves and founded the first cooperative, making his niece responsible. And, of course, the most important work of his life was the Basque, who updated in his time with grammar and triple vocabulary, which represented a great inflection in the loss of the Basque Country. Unfortunately, as an apologist, purist and neologist, many reject their contributions, but Xabier Kintana, in proportion, introduced more neologisms in the “Modern Dictionary”, as well as Euskalterm in the adaptation of dictionaries to current terminology.

On the other hand, Lorenzo Hervas created a comparative linguistics in which he realized the importance of Euskera, although it was not from here. Mogel highlighted the importance of popular knowledge, summoning Basarte University, and also explained several sets of language (Calpe…). Astarloa, on the other hand, after analysing in depth the main languages (Latin, Greek, Romanesque, Hebrew, Arabic…), explained the wonders of the Basque country better than anyone else. And he realized that the meaning of the words in Basque is not arbitrary, but suggested by nature, as we see in toponymy.

Wilheim von Humbolt, for example, opened Euskaliberism, after demonstrating that the oldest toponymy of the Iberian Peninsula can be explained in Basque. Pedro Girlfriend Salcedo produced the first etymological dictionary. Agosti Xaho wrote an epic book about the genesis of Basque words. Sabino Arana, in addition to reviving Basque nationalism, cultivated many etymologies in view of the importance of its origin. José Ramón Rementeria claimed that Euskera is an essential tool to understand the toponymy of Europe and perhaps of other places. Imanol Mujika proposed that several words were formed taking into account the vibration of nature.

On the other hand, Juan Miguel Sansinenea needed 3 books to collect the root water hydronyms we have in the world. Imanol Agirre, like Astarloa, after analysing the major languages of the world and receiving the 500 inscriptions used in the world, disappeared in Siberia and, seeing that the Basque language and language have nothing to do with the languages of their environment were similar, revealed the links that our language has with other languages of the world. Juan Goitia proposed that many Spanish words come from Euskera. He highlighted the vision of Jorge Oteiza as a pre-Indo-European who has preserved our language. Patxi Aginagalde, Jesus Segurola, Bittor Kapanaga, Antonio Mendizabal also gave us other interesting pieces to complete the great puzzle of the origin of our language.

But why, instead of studying carefully the linguists we've had over the years, most of them are buried? Why don't you want to understand that the country where most linguists are in proportion in the world has to be for something? Why don't you want to see that in toponymy, thousands of similarities can't be coincidences?

The 13th edition of the Festival of Basque Origin will be held on 1 June. In the framework of the Congress, in Bermeo, we will pay tribute to the historical researchers of the origin of our language and to the women who have led the Basque from generation to generation, because we need free linguistics. Yes, someday we will locate Euskeralaritza among the 1 philologies worldwide, when we decolonize.

Association of Origin of the Basque Country
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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