Wikipedia ended the year in Basque with 82,027,733 words, 8,476,741 words more than a year earlier. This year almost three times the total volume of the Encyclopedic Dictionary Lur has been written. We'd have 33 new printed volumes.
But it's not just a matter of quantity. In recent years, and with the impetus of the Basque Cultural Association of Wikilaris (EWKE), work has been done on improving the "list of 10,000 articles that should contain all wikipedias". The Basque country has achieved spectacular results. Graph of the increase achieved here in the last two years. Euskera is the language that has grown the most!
In addition to the 10,000 list, there is a list of thousands of essential items, which has also increased significantly in four years.
This effort led by EWKE is not due to the rise of rankings... The EWKE has an agreement with the Basque Government to complete the so-called Education Programme. Since Wikipedia is the most consulted resource in the centers, the goal is to make the articles in these areas more complete.
The chart above shows the length of articles in each area of the Educational Program compared to the years 2022 and 2023. If you look at the lower lines of 2023, you can see that in all fields the yellowish lights are being reduced and the dark blue ones are being expanded, as the articles are becoming more and more complete.
In a more concrete example, in the field of Biology and Geology an important step has been taken thanks to the Educational Programme. The objective that was set five years ago has largely been met: the articles in this area are 4 times longer and many of outstanding quality.
See daily statistics tracking sheet here.
You can also join in editing the Wikipedia in Euskera and become a member of EWKE (fee: only 5 euros a year).
Wikipediaren kalitate eta interes orokorra bermatzeko (edo kalibratzeko) tresna bat Wikimedia Fundazioak proposatutako Hamar Mila (10.000) artikulu funtsezkoen zerrenda da. Jakintzaren hainbat alorretan "funtsezko" artikuluak zerrendatu dituzte (ikusi azalpena galegoz,... [+]