The Basque Wikilaris Association has published a poster with the 15,000 names in a large PDF. A fragmented image of this PDF is the one we paste here to illustrate the article (other parts of the image here).
Quantities of year and a half:
And the current ones in numbers and graphs:
They are also the result of a conscious effort by Basque wikilaris. In the last year and a half, they've created more female than male biographies. That is the way.
These statistics can be monitored through Wlikata searches. Link to all female biographies in Basque // And you will be provided with percentages and quantities based on gender
Likewise, in the percentage of biographies, we are well located compared to other wikipedias, as can be seen in the following table disseminated by the Spanish association of wikilaris:
In fact, the Basque country should be more advanced (26.1%). The first place corresponds to the Asturian Wikipedia, a project more recent than the Basque Wikipedia, which is working with clear criteria in the last few years.
Equip this data series with other information to Euskal Wikilarien Kultur Elkartea. See relevant tables and data in this thread.
Of course, you can join this effort of Wikipedia in Basque: edit Wikipedia and if you want to register with the Wikilarien Euskal Kultur Elkartea Cultural Association, with 5 euros a year is not the most expensive partner in the world.
Wikipediaren kalitate eta interes orokorra bermatzeko (edo kalibratzeko) tresna bat Wikimedia Fundazioak proposatutako Hamar Mila (10.000) artikulu funtsezkoen zerrenda da. Jakintzaren hainbat alorretan "funtsezko" artikuluak zerrendatu dituzte (ikusi azalpena galegoz,... [+]