From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Open main menu Close on January 13 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The content of the article "Dardardarina", which has been so round, is also curious: "LRRK2 is a human enzyme encoded by the gene. Variants of this gene are associated with Parkinson's disease and Crohn's disease. This mutation has its origin in the Basque Country, and hence its name".
Wikipediaren kalitate eta interes orokorra bermatzeko (edo kalibratzeko) tresna bat Wikimedia Fundazioak proposatutako Hamar Mila (10.000) artikulu funtsezkoen zerrenda da. Jakintzaren hainbat alorretan "funtsezko" artikuluak zerrendatu dituzte (ikusi azalpena galegoz,... [+]