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Mintzalasai proposes "good linguistic parentheses" in Basque

  • From 16 to 22 September the festival organized with the aim of promoting the use of the Basque Country will be held. It is the thirteenth edition of a festival held in the cities of Baiona, Angelu and Biarritz.
Mintzalasai festibala aurkezteko prentsaurrekoa. Argazkia: Mintzalasai

12 September 2024 - 06:30

The new edition of the Mintzalasai festival, held in the cities of Baiona, Angelu and Biarritz, offers endless possibilities for using the Basque language. This Wednesday the thirteenth edition of the Behobia-San Sebastián, to be held from 16 to 22 September, has been presented. Regarding the use of Euskera, the socio-linguistic situation of these three cities of Lapurdi is worrying: only 8.4% of the population is Euskaldun and only 1.9% of the population speaking Euskera as much or more than in Spanish, according to the last socio-linguistic survey of the Public Institution of the Basque Country. In this sense, and despite underlining the importance and outcome of the "good linguistic parentheses" dedicated to the festival, the association of the same name underlines the need for long-term reflection and initiatives: "If we want to get a third of the population of Ipar Euskal Herria living in a quiet and soft Basque country by 2050, we will open transmission channels, we will need sustainable spaces to live in Basque and a shared and courageous planning. Together we will have to devise new models, agents and public institutions of the field; desirable moments and spaces that are the norm of Euskera and the key to the inclusion of all".

For seven days, half a hundred initiatives

In total, there will be 50 activities to be proposed in this year’s edition: children’s activities, early initiation to the Basque country, film screenings, workshops, concerts, commented walks or others. Following tradition, an all-day holiday will be held on the last day, around the old Marion of Biarritz.

Oihana Zamponi, co-chair of the association, explained that the aim of the festival is to show that in everyday life you can do everything in Basque.

Full program of the Mintzalasai festival: here.

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