Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Association of Basque Writers organizes a free writing workshop to promote literary creation in Basque

  • The meetings will take place on 28 September and 5 and 19 October. The course is aimed at people over the age of 16 and can already be registered at the City Hall of Pamplona/Iruña.

12 September 2024 - 06:55

Under the name Hitzen Mintegia, the Association of Basque Writers, in collaboration with the City of Pamplona, will offer resources to promote literary creation in Basque. There will be three sessions, on 28 September and 5 and 19 October, in the morning hours, from 10:00 to 13:30 hours. The course is aimed at Euskaldunes over 16 years of age and is free of charge.

Tomorrow, 12 September, the registration period opens. The request can be made via phones 010 and 948 420 100 and a total of 15 places will be offered.

We will play with the literature in the workshops, we will work with the oral media and the recitals for the publication of texts. The first program will be presented by playwright, writer and journalist Oier Guillan, who will analyze how to write texts to recite in public on the stage. The second workshop will work with Mikel Ayllon, theatre author, translator and doctor in Contemporary Art. Ayllon will provide guidelines for learning how to give voice and body to words.

Finally, on October 19, Mikel Ayllón and musician Igor Arzuaga will offer a session to put the lessons into practice, in which students will travel from the role to the stage. This last class will have two parts: an essay at 10:00 and a live recital at the Condestable Palace at 12:30.

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