“In recent decades, the ways of spreading, transmitting and socializing cultural creation have been transformed,” explains the agents present at the Paseo Nuevo de San Sebastián. The situation created by these changes is worrying: “The surveys and studies of recent years have shown that there has been a court and regulated education does not guarantee the transmission of culture in Basque.”
They stress the role that the new Education Act of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa can play in ensuring that this transmission is properly produced and its importance in achieving a “transformative education”.
For this reason, the agents who have participated in the hearing and the creators who have expressed their adherence have offered for the transmission of culture in Basque to be included in the law. “We want to participate in the process of proposal, debate and consensus on the measures to be taken.”
Support of multiple actors and creators
The agents who have acceded to the declaration are: Basque Country, Basque Country, Basque Country, Basque Country, Basque Country, Basque Country
It was only the first step of the initiative. Looking to the future, they have expressed their intention to make their way with creators and fans of culture, strengthening and consolidating the network. Many creators have already expressed their agreement with the request made, among others, by the writers Amaia Lasa and Yolanda Arrieta, the bertsolaris Beñat Gaztelumendi and Oihana Iguaran, the musicians Joseba Tapia and Peter Ansorena or the translator Irene Aldasoro. Despite not attending the hearing, a long list of creators has joined showing that the claim represents many of the current disciplines and trends of Basque culture.
Working since 2019
The proponents of the declaration explained that this initiative stems from a conference held in Azpeitia in October 2019: Under the title “Educating in creativity, living in culture”, various agents made a diagnosis of the current situation of the Basque culture, in addition to exchanging experiences. The conference “made it clear that in order to structure and consolidate the transmission of cultural creation it was necessary to advance in the network between these cultural agents and among those who work in the cultural transmission”.
In fact, the debate on the CAV Education Act has come when work is being done on that network. That is why they felt it urgent to socialize a unified vision of culture in this area, “that we too should take a voice to demand that the future law guarantee the transmission of Basque cultural creation in education”, in the words of the agents.
With this article, the BDS movement wants to make a public boycott of the event to be held on 24 September at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In it, they will have the presence of the renowned Zionist artist, Noa, who will present his last record work.
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