What does the closure of Plateruena mean for the Basque community?
Lutxo Egia: The best way to measure the vacuum is to ask ourselves: And if next year didn't? What if next year the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao closed its doors forever? In a cultural system such as ours, duration is fundamental, especially when the cultural contribution is important.
Mikel Urbeltz: Given the size of the Basque cultural network and the weakness of the Basque linguistic ecosystem, the loss of such a room is enormous, as it is decreasing as a result of the shortage. It is more regrettable if we take into account the geographical centrality of Durango in Bizkaia.
Has Plateruena received enough aid?
Lutxo Egia: I don't know the exact case of the dish. Another question is whether the projects that promote culture in Euskera are properly protected. And the answer is clear: no.
Mikel Urbeltz: At first it received some aid, but they had to be debtors of openness and the project has been subjected to a significant economic burden. In any case, it shows that the private projects that we promote Basque culture for public purposes need more institutional support.
Plateruena can be considered a reference of the Basque culture. How can we fill the gap that will be created in Basque leisure?
Lutxo Egia. It is true that the situation is not the most appropriate for launching new projects, but I am sure that before it is too late they are going to launch a similar project.
Mikel Urbeltz: It is not going to be easy, but let us hope that in Durango there will be enthusiasm and energy to fill the gap that Basque citizenship has. In this way, launch a new project and restart, if possible, that of Plateruena.
Among his closing reasons, Plateruena cites the “change in consumption habits” that has occurred over the years. Have you also noticed that change?
Lutxo Egia: We in Bira made ourselves public with that change 4 years ago. It is easy to foresee what will work and what will not. From the very beginning, however, our intention has not always been to have the full Bira, but to offer a space to everyone who believes in Euskera.
Mikel Urbeltz: More than consumption, we see demographic change as a compelling reason. The current number of young people stands at around 50%. Compared to young people 20-30 years ago, the number has dropped considerably. And that, of course, influences consumption. On the other hand, it is true that the leisure habits of young people have changed.
With the coronavirus situation, all leisure sectors have been hit hard. What is your current situation?
Lutxo Egia: The state of the tour is very hard. The night has disappeared since March. However, we have decided to remain as if nothing had changed in that direction. People want and appreciate the cultural performances in Basque, but they also have to be funded.
Mikel Urbeltz: The Kafe Antzokia of Bilbao was closed on 12 March and has since been closed. The existing limitations do not make our performance viable, around 300 events a year. We cannot extend nightlife because the capacity for concerts and events is limited to 10%.
On the tour you keep preparing concerts and events.
Lutxo Egia: Yes, more than ever. I do not know how long we will be able to stand, but we spoke in the spring lockdown and we thought it necessary to take a step forward. If we allow it and cultural programming is economically viable, we will continue along the same path.
Is a lot of people approaching?
Lutxo Egia: We have noticed that people are much more enthusiastic and it is logical because the cultural offer has decreased considerably. Now the capacity is halfway and the Tour is not particularly large. So it's normal that it seems like it's always full.
What difficulties do you have on the tour?
Lutxo Egia: Now the work has multiplied. We are constantly adapting, we wonder whether the great preparatory work of a few weeks will be left to us. On the other hand, we have economic difficulties. In addition, we have decided that more financial support should be given to creators. The situation is difficult.
In other areas of leisure, the events are adapted to the measures of the pandemic. Are you able to adapt the activities at the Kafe Antzokia?
Mikel Urbeltz: The actions that have been carried out in recent months have mainly been carried out in public wards. In our case, actions adapted to the 10% capacity hardly guarantee our future. Being private, those of us who claim the public character of our work can no longer lose, because our deficit would be our death.
How do you see the future?
Lutxo Egia: It's not clear. Culture in Basque must be protected, but today it is not strategic for anyone. Now our main objective is to continue to create and offer, even in the short term.
Mikel Urbeltz: We are a team of 48 workers and, as anyone can imagine, we are facing a situation of uncertainty in the future. Because we're all in an ERTE. At the moment, the situation does not allow the Kafe Antzokia to be opened. We dream of opening our doors in the near future and refilling our square open to all.
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