The City of Pamplona has established a new framework agreement for the insertion of institutional advertising campaigns in the media. This year, the municipal government of Enrique Maia will invest 600,000 euros in the six new media. There is no media in Basque on the call list.
Navarre Suma has given very few opportunities to the media in Basque to participate in the tender for the award of advertising. According to the audience data from the first wave of 2019 of the CIES media study, media has participated with at least 10% of the audience in Pamplona. According to data from the last Sociolinguistic Survey conducted in Pamplona/Iruña, 10.5% of the population of Pamplona is Euskaldun. Thus, the media working in Euskera should have a virtually total audience potential to participate in the event. With this condition, therefore, the City Council has left out the media that work in Basque.
For the Euskalerria Irratia of Pamplona to have the possibility of receiving institutional advertising, it should be heard by almost all the Euskaldun population of the city, 95.6%. In the last four years, Euskalerria Irratia has received about 24,000 euros a year for institutional advertising from the City Council of Pamplona/Iruña. This year it will receive nothing.
In total, there were four criteria for assessing the proposals submitted, the hearing was rated to 75 points, the economic proposal to 10 points, the improvements to 5 points and the social criteria to a maximum of 10 points.
This year he will insert advertising in the Diario de Navarra (Brandok Comunicación) and Diario de Noticias (Zeroa Multimedia) and in the digital editions (Glocal Influence). Radio announcements shall be heard via the SER and Cope radio stations. Navarra Televisión will be the only television that will broadcast the ads of the City Hall of Pamplona.
Compared to the previous year, the City of Pamplona/Iruña has reduced its advertising budget by 25%.
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
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Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.
EH Bai koalizioak babesturiko Ahetzen zerrenda gailendu da bozen bigarren itzulian, joan den igandean, botoen %44 erdietsirik.
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