Arkaitz Zarraga Azumendi suffered a violation of language rights by a municipal agent in the Aste Nagusia of Bilbao in 2018. At the end of the festivities, on the first day of dismantling, Zarraga, a member of the comparsa Hau Pittu Hau, was arrested by a municipal police officer about to leave the enclosure. The Municipal Police approached him in Spanish, and Zarraga asked him to be treated in Basque. Faced with the request, the agent threatened with two fines: one in relation to traffic and the other for lack of respect. Said and done, the agent imposed two fines under the Moorish Law.
Zarraga was sentenced to a fine of EUR 900 and appealed the fine. On 12 December, he was summoned to trial by the National Court.
Under the motto “Euskarari mozalik ez! Hau Pittu Hau and the Basque Association Herrian Euskaraz have called for a revulsion on the day of the trial before the courts. The time is set at 09:30 in the morning.
In connection with the trial, the talk “Herri zatitua eta euskara” will also be held on November 28. Eneko Bidegain will be the commenter in the Xake space from 19:00.
Arkaitz Zarraga Azumendi and Eneka Alva were interviewed in number 2,632 of ARGIA. Read here.